素材来源:Friends S05
1、see you in a bit
see you in a bit 意思是等会见。在热播美剧Modern Love中第八集的故事线也出现过这个表达,I’ll see you in a bit .所以,当我们下次想说“咱们待会见”的时候,除了可以用“see you later”、”see you in a sec",也可以把今天学到的这个表达 see you in a bit 用起来。
2、on standby
on standby 随时待命
a standby electricity generator 医院的备用发电机
a standby ticket for flight to NewYork 前往纽约候补的座位
造句:我习惯在背包里放一块巧克力作为能量应急 I always have a bar of chocolate in my backpack as a standby.
拓展表达 back burner,次要地位、从属地位的人或事。
Put sth on the back burner 把某项计划、主意暂时搁置。
造句:在美剧《绝望主妇》中 Lynette为了照顾家庭,搁置了本来风生水起的事业,For 6 years she has looked after her three children with her career very much on the back burner.
3、take a rain check
take a rain check on sth “改天、择日再做某事”。这是一个非常高频的表达,特别是当你准备委婉拒绝或者推脱某事的时候,可以说一句 why don't we take a rain check?
同事下班准备去聚餐,走之前问你”Are you coming for a drink?”,但你手头的工作很紧,老板今天晚上就一定要见到结果,这时你只能对朋友说”Can I take a rain check?--I must get this finished tonight.”
你发微信想约心仪的女孩子吃饭,但她迟迟不回复,你为了化解尴尬又发送了一条信息”I was planning to ask you out for dinner, but if you want to take a rain check, that’s fine.”
4、call the shots
that’s your call : it’s up to you 你决定
that’s a good call: that’s a good point有道理
XX call the shots, XX做主/当家,I’m calling the shots 意思是“我说了算”,可以用 I’m making the calls 进行同意替换。此外,当我们想说“你说了算,听你的”这个表达, 除了 you're calling the shots 还可以用 you are the boss.
it was a long shot,可以用来形容一些没有胜算,机会渺茫的尝试。比如有人欠了你钱很久没有还,虽然你也知道依照他的德性很难还上,但你还是决定再试一试,It's a long shot, but I'll ask him. 关于“试一试”,还可以用到一个表达 give it a shot, 同理,give sth your best shot意思就是“尽力做某事”。
5、steal someone's thunder
steal someone's thunder "抢先做某事,抢风头",有一种喧宾夺主的意思在里面。剧中 Phoebe说 I thought it was really sweet at first, but now I think he's trying to steal my thunder,意思就是 Joey 抢了她的风头。
比如某场婚礼上伴娘团打扮得比新娘子还好看,这种情况下 Those bridemaids stole the bride's thunder by wearing stunning dresses on the wedding,风头完全盖过了本来是主角的新娘。还有一个类似表达 steal the limelight/show 意思是“出风头”,在刚才的这个场景中伴娘出风头也可以说成是 The bridemaids stole the limelight/show on the wedding.