

  • 彩虹遇到才知道

    1.the prices are double what they were two years ago. 2.after a cup of drinks,the guy was feeling no pain. 3.you must be at the station by five o'clock 4.this is the house i lived when i was young 5.a rabbit have a long ears and a short tail. 6.you should apologize for being rude to the guests.

    f926xxolzzyx0afdsdv5 回复 @彩虹遇到才知道: 你真厉害啊!我每次都是看着你的翻译才听得懂

  • 彩虹遇到才知道

    43.one good friend is better than ten relatives. 44.i couldn't prevent Tom from eating all the cookies. 45.we have to sing at the almshouse today. 46.we are looking forward to see you and your family. 47.what do you want to be when you grow up. 48.i would like to retract my previous statement.

    彩虹遇到才知道 回复 @彩虹遇到才知道: 打卡。听力快半个月了,还是能有比较明显的效果,昨天早上大英视听说课,老师点我名回答短对话理解,五个题目我都能听清楚原文对话,虽然只对了四个,但得到了老师'not bad'的评价

  • 彩虹遇到才知道

    22.we waitted in the park for a long time. 23.it's next to impossible to finish it in a day. 24.he looked for every possible means of escape. 25.it took us half an hour to put up the tent. 26.i have two dogs,one is white,the other is black. 27.my cellphone has a built-in digital camera.

    听友413300801 回复 @彩虹遇到才知道:

  • 彩虹遇到才知道

    15.you do want who decides to do this job,right? 16.you will soon get accustomed to your new school. 17.between you and me,i think our boss was stupid. 18.his death was great lost to our firm. 19.you're both impressed today,i'm proud of you. 20.i'm not a university student,but i'm brighter than them

    听友308216540 回复 @彩虹遇到才知道: 19.impressive

  • 彩虹遇到才知道

    8.there are not many books on the shelfs. 9.a blast of cold air scrap to the house. 10.after you have read it,give it back to me. 11.her house is at the foot of the moutain. 12.nobody understood why the elephant suddenly turned dowm its owner. 13.i have to take my medicine every six hours.

    听友323755284 回复 @彩虹遇到才知道: 9 swept through

  • 彩虹遇到才知道

    50.the boss has a good opinion of your work. 51.the trip is postpone because of the rain. 52.the fire broke up after the staff went home. 53.I told you not to talk about the matter in her presents. 54.my grandfather sometimes talk to himself when he is alone. 55.he picked up a mirror and examed his

    听友323755284 回复 @彩虹遇到才知道: 52 broke out

  • 彩虹遇到才知道


    彩虹遇到才知道 回复 @鹿荏苒love: 一段话一共有四遍,一般听完女声就可以写出来了,后面的翻译用来检查听得对不对,最后一遍男声算是对比自己听错的地方矫正。一般我一天会听10吧,这个系列练耳朵挺好的,不过我马上要看四级,现在都在听真题。

  • 彩虹遇到才知道

    64.I'd like to ask you a few more questions. 65.the accident seemed to have something to do with the heavy snow. 66.I hate it when the other people make me waite a long time. 67.the river was flood by the heavy rain. 68.this assignment took me longer than I had expected. 69.does she go to school on

    听友323755284 回复 @彩虹遇到才知道: 67 flooded

  • 彩虹遇到才知道

    57.it was raining heavily when i got up this morning. 58.I'll come and see you one of these days. 59.he was moved to tears when he heard the news. 60.water is liquid.When they frozens,it becomes solid. 61.you have changed so much that I can hardly recognize you. 62.hey,I may have no money,but I

    彩虹遇到才知道 回复 @彩虹遇到才知道: (62)still have my pride. 63.it's necessary for you to go there immediately

  • 彩虹遇到才知道

    36.i agree to what you said to some extent. 37.as(人名)wakes up,we'll turn on the music. 38.the fish he caught yesterday is still alive. 39.if i know the truth,i'd have told you. 40.it is easy to make a monkey climbing a tree. 41.i don't feel very well.i should go home.

    彩虹遇到才知道 回复 @彩虹遇到才知道: 42.will you able to do everything you want to get done. 我发现有些男声和女生说的有差异 40题女声说的是easy for monkey to climb a tree 而 男声说的是easy to make monkey climbing a tree.