标题: 五道口57 | 打开天窗说亮话怎么说?
1 pep talk
pep talk 鼓励的话,鼓舞士气的话。
我准备最后再给她打打气 I was about to give her a last-minute pep talk.
别人鼓励我们时,我们可以说上这样一句话 Thanks for the pep talk.
2 get cold feet
get cold feet 害怕,退缩。
每次上台说英语时,她总会十分地胆怯,More often than not, she gets cold feet before speaking English in front of the people.
当朋友给我打气后,我们是不是不再害怕了? Because of your pep talk, I don't have cold feet anymore.
3 catch
catch 如意伴侣,理想员工。
老板夸赞员工说,你是一位不错的员工,就可以说,You know, you are a great catch.
4 put my cards on the table
put my cards on the table 摊牌,也就是我们常常说的打开天窗说亮话。
It's time I put my cards on the table. I am sorry I can't offer you this job. 老实说吧,我不能提供给你这份工作。
5 hook up with sb
hook up with sb与某人来往。
You are engaged, so you shouldn't hook up with other guys. 你已经订婚了,所以请不要和其他的男孩子来往。
背景音乐好舒缓呀,喜欢~ 嘿嘿,听到五道口小伙伴的播客也很给我打气 Thanks for the pep talk.
张海露Eric 回复 @YAN___: You are such a catch~