23 How Do I Love You? 我是多么的爱你

23 How Do I Love You? 我是多么的爱你


How Do I Love You?

How do I love you?

Let me count the ways.

I love you as the sun loves the bright blue days.

I love you as the bee loves a fragrant flower.

I love you as the thirsty duck loves a sudden shower.

I love you as the bird loves a song to sing.

I love you as the waking bear loves the smell of spring.

I love you as the cat loves a sunny sill.

And as the dancing snowflakes love the winter's chill.

How do I love you?

Let me tell you how.

I love you as the nest loves the sturdy bough.

I love you as the sea loves the sandy shore.

And as the ancient world loved the dinosaur.

I love you as the wind loves its own sweet sound.

And as our friendly Earth loves to spin around.

I love you as the moon loves each shining star.

I love all that you will be and everything you are.

  • 朵胖妹儿


  • 一只流浪的咕咕_gs


    Alliechow 回复 @一只流浪的咕咕_gs: 感谢支持

  • 叽咕魔灵


    Alliechow 回复 @叽咕魔灵: 多谢您的支持与鼓励 我会继续努力录制更多故事给宝贝们听

  • 听友83167130

    声音很好听 加油 谢谢!

    Alliechow 回复 @听友83167130: 多谢您的支持,我会继续努力录制更多的故事给宝贝们听,希望宝贝们会喜欢!

  • 秋and卢娜


  • 1360051wglk

    It's amazing