


Univs to be hit by strikes

Around 1 million students at 60 UK universities will have their studies interrupted in the coming weeks as a dispute between the institutions and their staff over pay and pensions boils down to strike action. The strikes will impact 8 days, between Nov 25 and Dec 4 and see university lecturers and support staff who are members of the University and College Union walk off the job.

Jo Grady, general secretary of the University and College Union, said: "The first wave of strikes will hit universities later this month unless the employers start talking to us seriously about how they are going to deal with rising pension costs and declining pay and conditions." Universities set to be hit by the strikes include Oxford, University College London, Cardiff University, and the University of Manchester.


US wealth gap widening


The historic economic expansion in the US has so enriched one-percenters they now hold almost as much wealth as the middle- and upper-middle classes combined. The top 1% of American households have enjoyed huge returns in the stock market in the past decade, to the point that they now control more than half of the equity in US public and private companies, according to data from the Federal Reserve. 


Those fat portfolios have America's elite gobbling up an ever-bigger piece of the pie. The very richest had assets of about $35.4 trillion in the second quarter, or just shy of the $36.9 trillion held by the tens of millions of people who make up the 50th percentile to the 90th percentile of Americans - much of the middle and upper-middle classes.


Nov 11 spending spree


The Double 11 shopping festival entered its eleventh year this year. It took just 96 seconds for Alibaba Group to net the 10 billion yuan worth of gross merchandise volume at midnight of Nov 11. This was shorter than last year's 125 seconds to cross the same threshold, indicating strong consumption momentum shoring up the Chinese economy. 


Transaction volume reached 43.99 billion yuan in the first 10 minutes, and hit 100 billion yuan in one hour, three minutes, 59 seconds. Last year the platform saw 213.5 billion yuan worth of merchandise transacted in the 24-hour event, dwarfing Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the US combined.


Import expo a big success


The second China International Import Expo (CIIE) concluded Sunday, with $71.13 billion worth of tentative deals reached for one-year purchases of goods and services. The amount rose 23% from that of last year, Sun Chenghai, vice director of the CIIE Bureau, told a news conference. 


Among the expo's diverse displays, 391 new products, technologies and services were launched for the first time on the Chinese mainland or worldwide, he added. More than 230 companies from all over the world have signed up for the third CIIE, according to Sun. Among them are more than 80 Fortune Global 500 companies or industrial leaders.


  • 努力考高翻的鲨鲨


    张洧珩 回复 @努力考高翻的鲨鲨: 是啊

  • 阿甘的长途


    中国日报网 回复 @阿甘的长途: 您好,因外籍排班和工作安排会阶段性的调整,您如果只喜欢这个主播的声音,可以听比较久以前的新闻练习听力,她以前录了很多集。

    小飞侠__yg 回复 @中国日报网: 其实真的很喜欢这个查理姐姐 想多听到她

  • 不会普通话的冲浪网友


  • Allen_akh


    筱7172 回复 @Allen_akh: 是真的很快,可以去看一些美剧,里面的人说话都是快到你听都听不清的那种,查理是因为她是主播,要让我们每个人都听清,所以其实已经很慢了,真正的外国人说话根本不会给你机会听清每个字的

    斯斯博士创作社 回复 @Allen_akh: 嗯嗯没毛病……

  • 听友187227027


  • 忍不住的忍
