2.94【对话】A light diner 一顿清淡的晚餐

2.94【对话】A light diner 一顿清淡的晚餐


Lesson 47


Karen: Claire,do you like fish? 

Claire:Yes,I love fish. I really like salmon!

Karen: Good!I’ve got a nice piece of salmon for dinner tonight. Do you like vegetables?

Claire: Yes,I like vegetables, too.

Karen:I’ve got some new potatoes and some salad…  There’s some lettuce and some cucumber. Is that OK?

Claire: That’s fantastic, Karen! It’s my favourite kind of food. 

Karen:  Well,here’s a bowl. You and Paul can pick some strawberries from the garden. Then we can have some fruit for dessert. 

Paul:This is great, Karen! A really healthy meal! But I’m very hungry!

Karen:Don’t worry,Paul!I’ve got lots of potatoes in the kitchen. And you can have some cream with your strawberries. Just pick them first! 



salmon 三文鱼;tonight今晚;piece 一块,一片;vegetable 蔬菜;lettuce 生菜;cucumber 黄瓜; pick 采摘;fruit 水果;dessert 甜点;healthy 健康的;meal 一餐饭;cream 奶油

 That’s fantastic!太棒了;Is that OK?这样可以吗?

