1 我要把胡子刮掉。 I need to shave off my beard. 2 你刷牙了吗? Have you brushed your teeth? 3 把头发梳一下。 Comb your hair. 4 我一起床就去刷牙洗脸。 As soon as I get up, I brush my teeth and wash my face. 5 我仔细地洗了脸。 I washed my face clearly. 6 我没有足够的时间来冲澡。 I don’t have enough time to take a shower. 7 我借助一把卷筒梳把头发吹直了。 I blow-dried my hair straight with a round brush. 8 我用沐浴乳擦洗身体。 I scrubbed my body with the shower gel. 9 它会堵塞毛孔吗? Will it clog my pores? 10 你不能每天都使用磨砂膏。 You can’t use body scrub every day.
李戎162738 回复 @WuBin: 昨天开始可以出文字了哦