小哥您好 最近刚开始听您的英语。个人有个小建议 如果您把每章节的词或句子放上来会更好一些。因为有时听您讲 脑海中不知道这个词汇是什么样的
李戎162738 回复 @听友95243965: 嗨,刚建了q群432743478,可以下载全文本哦
里面“叮” 的声音,打扰思路
李戎162738 回复 @听友199297211: 目前在做重制版,取消叮叮的声音,欢迎继续品鉴
1我要把胡子刮掉。I need to shave off my beard. 2 你刷牙了吗? Have you brushed your teeth? 3 把头发梳一下。 Comb your hair. 4 我一起床就去刷牙洗脸。 As soon as I get up, I brush my teeth and wash my face. 5 我仔细地洗了脸。 I washed my face clearly. 6 我没有足够的时间来冲澡。 I don’t have enough time to take a shower. 7 我借助一把卷筒梳把头发吹直了。 I blow-dried my hair straight with a round brush. 8 我用沐浴乳擦洗身体。 I scrubbed my body with the shower gel. 9它会堵塞毛孔吗?Will it clog my pores? 10 你不能每天都使用磨砂膏。 You can’t use body scrub every day.
1 该起床了! It’s time to get up! 2 闹钟响了吗? Did the alarm clock buzz? 3 你睡得好吗? Did you sleep well? 4 我还困着呢。 I’m still drowsy. 5 你昨晚几点睡的? When did you go to bed last night? 6 你今早叫我起床了吗? Did you wake me up this morning? 7 把被子叠好。 Fold up your quilt. 8 你昨天晚上打呼噜了。 You were snoring last night. 9 我今早睡过头了。 I overslept today. 10 我周末通常晚起。 I usually sleep late on weekends.
李戎162738 回复 @顾一橙的朋友: 谢谢,也祝您鼠年大吉,鼠你最幸福!
李戎162738 回复 @马新_12: 感谢关注,这个精品专辑好像无法添加文本
文本: 1该起床了!It’s time to get up! 2闹钟响了吗? Did the alarm clock buzz? 3你睡得好吗?Did you sleep well? 4我还困着呢。I’m still drowsy. 5你昨晚几点睡的?When did you go to bed last night? 6你今早叫我起床了吗?Did you wake me up this morning? 7把被子叠好。Fold up your quilt. 8你昨天晚上打呼噜了。You were snoring last night. 9 我今早睡过头了。I overslept today. 10我周末通常晚起。I usually sleep late on weekends.
李戎162738 回复 @听友220943618: 每一集的评论区内容就是原文哦🤗