Class Reunion

Class Reunion


Class Reunion 同学聚会

October 31, Sunny and warm


Never before have I overslept, but thismorning I did sleep in. I still had a terrible hangover after getting out ofbed at 8:00. About half an hour later, I found myself a little bit sobered up.Everything at yesterday’s class reunion was fresh in my mind.



At about 8:30, Shulin, my former classmate,rang me up, asking if I could come over for a get-together with some otherformer classmates. I gave him an affirmative reply without a second thought. Itwasn’t long before we came over to visit another classmate, Zong Ze, agovernment clerk, who was too busy to attend the dinner party. At noon Shulingave a hearty lunch in favor of six other classmates, Yu Jun, Hao Zanwei, YangQuanzhong, Xu Jing, Wang Kai and me, all of whom exchanged greetings andchatted leisurely.  (What a shame! Ididn’t have the group photo at table.) We were greatly overjoyed at thisget-together, drank and laughed to our hearts’ contents. It’s really a hard-wonoccasion for us to gather together just like brothers and sisters in a bigfamily, recalling the old memories and sharing anecdotes and happy events. 

8点半左右,老同学书林给我打来电话,问我能不能过来和其他一些老同学聚一聚。我毫不犹豫就应承了。没过一会儿,我们就去看望了另一位同学(宗泽,公务员, 他太忙不能参加任何应酬)。中午,书林宴请其他几位同学(俞军、郝占慰、杨全忠、徐静、王凯和我),共享丰盛午餐,他们互相问候,彼此闲聊。(真可惜!我没有吃饭时的合影。)这次聚会,我们非常高兴,畅饮美酒,欢声笑语,好不快哉。这对我们来说真是一个来之不易的机会,大家相聚就像一个大家庭中的兄弟姐妹一样,回忆往事,分享趣闻乐事。

We were all seated, and started to catch upon past things back at school over the lunch. Everybody was in a jubilant mood.Sure, we drank a toast to each other for great fun. We all were much toopleased with this get-together and couldn’t enjoy ourselves too much. It is apity that most of our former classmates missed the chance, and sure we missedthem not a little.


We drank two bottles of liquor and I gotloaded. But it seemed that we didn’t enjoy ourselves to the full. Hao Zanweimade a proposal that we just stayed on for a dinner at night. Yeah! That soundsmore like it!


At about 4:00 p.m., Hao packed us into twocars to Nanwan Lake, and Xi Xiaolin joined in the dinner party, so 8 formerclassmates got reunited for the great celebration after our graduation 40 yearsago. Some are government clerks, and all others are teachers at differentlevels of schools, including me. Actually I felt greatly ashamed of myself forhaving quitted my high-paid job in a bank. After having translated on line forabout twenty years, I now work for a training center, just earning a livingfrom hand to mouth. I really have nothing to show off at the reunion. However,I should keep a mental balance: Try not to keep up with the Joneses. Now I haveto push myself forward to pursue a higher life goal by popularizing AmericanEnglish here in Xinyang. So I need my former classmates to cheer me up andcheer me on for this very goal.


Hopefully, we, old guys, can have morechances to get together for fun!


