

1 固执己见的 教条的dogmatic 
2 威胁性的threatening (look) --- threaten v.(Don’t threaten her.)
3 客观的objective (主观的 subjective) 
4 坦率的 frank (Frankly speaking, 坦率地说)
5 拒绝某人turn someone down --- refuse
6 后者 the latter (the former)
7 中型企业medium-sized enterprise/firm
8 成熟的mature (immature)
9 创造力creativity (creative)
10 政治家 politician 
11 缺乏耐心的impatient (lack of patience)
12 讲究策略的 diplomatic 

Who does she think she is?
In what way is conversation version 2 different from conversation version 1?
more gentle 更温柔的
sensible 通情达理的 
In version 2, Simon is more diplomatic. 
Communication style:
-version 1--- a fiery conversation 充满火药味的对话
version 2: a more peaceful平和的/amicable(friendly without arguments) conversation
In version 2, Simon is more diplomatic. 
At the beginning of the conversation, how does Simon handle it differently? 
S: Morning, Tifany. Good weekend?
T: Oh, yes. It was cool. And you?
S: No, not really. Listen, Tifany, come into my office. I need to talk to you.
T: Oh no, what now?
S: Look, I hear you had a problem with Maureen on Friday.
T: Oh that. Yeah. That idiot refused to help me! Who does she think she is?
S: You mustn’t talk about your colleagues like that. Maurren is a very experienced assistant and a valuable member of the team.
T: Maybe, but she still refused to help me.
S: Yes, but she had a good reason to refuse. Maureen was very busy on Friday and you didn’t ask for help: you demanded her immediate attention. As a future manager, you should show respect to all the staff.
T: But I was just trying to finish the job.
S: Well, you won’t get results from people like Maureen if you’re rude.
T: Look, I was tired. I had a difficult week, okay?

Version 1 --- Yes, but she had a good reason to refuse. Maureen was very busy on Friday and you didn’t ask for help: you demanded her immediate attention. As a future manager, you should show respect to all the staff.
Version 2: __________________

Be more diplomatic:
Perhaps you could…
You might want to…
You’d better (not)…
I think…
It seems to me that…
If I were you, I might…
Don’t you think…?
Wouldn’t it be better (not) to do…?
Why don’t you…?

