9.24 13,Virabhadrasana 2(2)

9.24 13,Virabhadrasana 2(2)

13,Virabhadrasana 2(2)

(a) leg movement with hands on waist

Keep the centre of the torso vertical, lift both sides of the trunk evenly.
Exhale, bend the right leg to a right angle, the knee in line with the ankle.
The thigh is parallel and the shin is perpendicular to the floor.

Follow Samasthiti and Utthita Hasta Padasana, place the hands on the waist and do Parsva Hasta Padasana.
Keep the centre of the torso vertical, lift both sides of the trunk evenly.
Exhale, bend the right leg to a right angle, the knee in line with the ankle.
The thigh is parallel and the shin is perpendicular to the floor.
