


Passage Two (12-15)

If you are young and thinking about your career, you’ll want to know where you can make a living. Well, (12)there’s going to be a technological replacement of a lot of knowledge intensive jobs in the next twenty years, particularly in the two largest sectors of the labor force with professional skills. One is teaching, and the other, healthcare. You have so many applications and software and platforms that are going to come in and provide information and service in these two fields, which means a lot of healthcare and education sectors will be radically changed and a lot of jobs will be lost. (13) Now, where will the new jobs be found? Well, the one sector of the economy that can’t be easily duplicated by even smart technologies is the caring sector, the personal care sector.That is, you can’t really get a robot to do a great massage or physical therapy, or you can’t get the kind of personal attention you need with regard to therapy or any other personal service. There could be very high-end personal services. (14) Therapists do charge a lot of money.I think there’s no limit to the amount of personal attention and personal care people would like if they could afford it. But the real question in the future is how come people afford these things if they don’t have money, because they can’t get a job that pays enough. (15) That’s why I wrote this book, which is about how to reorganize the economy for the future when technology brings about destructive changes to what we used to consider high-income work.


