


Conversation one (1-4)

M: What’s all that? Are you going to make a salad?

W: No, I’m going to make a gazpacho.

M: What’s that?

W: (1)Gazpacho is a cold soup from Spain. It’s mostly vegetables. I guess you could call it a liquid salad.

M: Cold soup? Sounds weird.

W: It’s delicious. Trust me. I tried it for the first time during my summer vacation in Spain.

You see, in the south of Spain, it gets very hot in the summer, up to 40 ℃. So a cold gazpacho is very refreshing. The main ingredients are tomato, cucumber, bell peppers, olive oil and stale bread.

M: Stale bread? Surely you mean bread for dipping into the soup?

W: No. Bread is crushed and blended in like everything else. (2) It adds texture and thickness to the soup.

M: Mm. (3) And is it healthy?

W: (3) Sure. As I said earlier, it’s mostly vegetables.You can also add different things if you like, such as hard-boiled egg or cured ham.

M: Cured ham? What’s that?

W: That’s another Spanish delicacy. Have you never heard of it? It is quite famous.

M: No. Is it good too?

W: Oh, yeah, definitely. It’s amazing. It’s a little dry and salty, and it’s very expensive because (4) it comes from a special type of pig that only eats a special type of food. The ham is covered in salt to dry and preserve it, and left to hang for up to two years. It has a very distinct flavor.

M: Mm. Sounds interesting. Where can I find some?

W: It used to be difficult to get Spanish produce here. But it’s now a lot more common. Most large supermarket chains have cured ham in little packets, but in Spain you can buy a whole leg.

M: A whole pig leg? Why would anybody want so much ham?

W: In Spain, many people buy a whole leg for special group events, such as Christmas. They cut it themselves into very thin slices with a long flat knife.





