戴维·卡梅伦 | 公开承认后悔举行脱欧公投

戴维·卡梅伦 | 公开承认后悔举行脱欧公投


I totally...If you’re asking me, do I have regrets? Yes. Am I sorry about the state the country’s got into? Yes. Do I feel I have some responsibility for that? Yes.


It was my referendum, my campaign, my decision to try and renegotiate. And I accept all of those things, and people, including those watching this programme will have to decide how much blame to put on me. But I accept and I, you know, I can’t put it more bluntly than this. I accept that attempted failed.


R: Do you think the current Prime Minister Boris Johnson was right to suspend Parliament?


I don’t. I don’t think...We’ll wait for what the courts say. I don’t think, to me, it was illegal. It looked to me, from the outside like rather sharp practice of trying to restrict the debate. 


And I thought it was actually from his point of view probably counterproductive. In the end, we have to work through Parliament and you can’t deny the arithmetic of Parliament and the majorities there are in Parliament.


I obviously disagree with the idea of taking away the whip from 21 hard-working, loyal Conservatives. I think that was a bad decision. If it isn’t reversed, it will be I think a disastrous decision.


I hope that Boris will get a deal in Brussels. He will come back, try and bring Parliament together to back that deal. I don’t see why those 21 people shouldn’t be restored to the Conservative whip. If they’re not, I really worry about what could happen.


