双语儿童故事分享 - 主意好多的小熊

双语儿童故事分享 - 主意好多的小熊

Bumble splashed across the stream then trotted up the hill. Grandma would be waiting - with cakes and cups of tea served with lots of honey.
the little bear tapped on grandma's door, but no one came. he knocked again. "where could she be?"he wondered.
three forest birds flew down.
"quiet"said crow. "she is sleeping, you know"
"she couldn't be sleeping" bumble declared.
"grandma bear is waiting for me!"
"not true" owl hooted. "bear set out for honey.
”she tripped on a root"
"hit her head" cawed hawk. "I saw"
"my grandma fell down?" gasped bumble.
He peered in the window. sure enough, grandma was asleep,
with a big lump on her head. "poor grandma!" bumble cried.
then he had an idea. ""grandma loves flowers" he said.
He ran to the garden and picked the flowers there - every single one.
Bumble smiled as he tiptoed past grandma. He put flowers in vases, jars, buckets and bowls and set them all over the room.
"she will be So Surprised!" he whispered.
"now what shall I do next?"
the little bear wondered. He saw four pots of paints.
"I know!" he exclaimed.
"I will paint the door for grandma"
At first he could not choose: should he paint with red or yellow, blue or grassy green?
in the end, he used…ALL of the colours!
He painted a picture on grandma's front door.
Bumble smiled again. "she will be so surprised!"
Bumble saw dirty dishes in the sink.
He washed them very carefully, saving grandma's favorite cup till last. a cup so fine, its rim was trimmed with gold.
Bumble held his breath as he washed that cup… held his breath aS he rinsed.
But just then the forest birds came back, squawking.
they mustn't wake up grandma! He must hurry, and make them hush
Bumble grabbed a cloth to dry. The cup slipped. It seemed to fly.
Bumble reached to catch it. but he missed.
grandma's cup fell. and CRASH!
Bumble RAN. He stumbled to the door, tumbled out and hid.
"Just LOOK what that bumble has done!" fissed owl.
"He stripped her garden BARE!" squawked hawk.
"grandma bear will be ANGRY, you know"said crow.
bumble heard footsteps on the porch. He peeped through the railings…
Grandma bear was there.
"bumble did it all"? cawed hawk. "I saw"
bumble took a big breath and crawled out "I wanted to surprise you" he said
"you did surprise me, bumble bear" said grandma,
"but the birds are wrong. I like my beautiful door" and she shooed the forest birds away.
"I picked all of your flowers" bumble wailed.
grandma just shrugged "we will plant some more"
the little bear gulped. "but grandma, that is not all. I broke your favorite cup, the one with the glitter-gold rim"
"my cup?" she gasped. "there's not another one like it, not anywhere else in the world." a tear slid down poor bumble's nose.
"but that is true of you, dear bumble, too! there is not another bear like you, not anywhere else in the world. you are the best bear in the forest!"
bumble smiled. "shall I make some tea?"
grandma pulled him close. "let's make it together.
