
The next day there was a great storm. I was scared and this time I could see that the other sailors were also very scared. The captain was walking in and out of his cabin. He was quietly saying prayers.

I was so scared I could only lie in my bed and hope we would survive.

When I looked out of the window of my cabin, I saw the waves. They were as tall as mountains. I saw other ships which looked like toys. The waves were playing with them.

One sailor shouted that a ship went under water in front of us. I was terribly afraid and I regretted that I didn’t go home after the first light storm.

The storm was getting worse and now all the sailors were praying we would survive. Suddenly someone shouted that there was a hole in the ship and water was coming inside the ship. Everyone was called down to pump the water out. I was paralyzed with fear, and I couldn’t get out of my bed. Then one man came to me and told me to go down and help. So I went. I was pumping out the water when the captain ordered someone to fire a gun. It was a signal that we were in danger. I thought we were sinking, because the ship was full of water. I thought we were all going to die.

We were all working very hard but the water kept coming into the ship. The storm wasn’t as dangerous anymore but the ship was already badly damaged. Our captain continued firing guns for help. There was a small ship in front of us which sent us a boat. The sailors on that boat risked their lives but managed to reach our ship. With great difficulty we all boarded the boat. We couldn’t think of going back to their ship which was already very far. It was too dangerous. So we decided to try to get to coast instead.

Fifteen minutes later our ship went under water. We were safe on the boat, but I was still very afraid. We were soon close to the land and we could see many people on the beach. They were waiting for us. When we finally reached the land, the people were very nice to us. They helped us find rooms and gave us money to get to London or go back to Hull. I decided to go to London.

I travelled to London by land. The whole way I was thinking what to do and where to go. I was too ashamed of myself to go back home.

In London I met the captain of another ship who often travelled to the coast of Africa. He offered me to travel with him.

Before we left London, he advised me what to buy for trade in Africa. At that time I only had £40. This journey was successful because I returned to England with some gold which was worth almost £300. The journey was also good for me because the captain taught me something about mathematics and navigation. I learnt what was necessary to become a sailor and a businessman.

Soon after we came back to England, the captain died. I decided to make the same journey to Africa with the same ship but another captain.

This journey started well. But soon we had big problems. A ship started chasing us. It was a pirate ship. It continued the whole day. At about three in the afternoon the pirates came very close.

There was an attack, but we managed to push them away. On the second attempt, many of their men came on the ship and they started destroying everything. Some of our sailors were killed and some were injured, so we had to give up. All of us were taken prisoners.

  • 联航路地铁站到了


  • 联航路地铁站到了

    第二天有一场大风暴。我很害怕,这次我可以看到其他水手也很害怕。船长在他的船舱里进进出出。他在悄悄地祈祷。 我害怕极了,只能躺在床上,希望我们能活下来。 当我从船舱的窗户往外看时,我看到了海浪。它们像山一样高。我看到了其他看起来像玩具的船。海浪在和他们玩耍。 一名水手喊道,一艘船在我们面前沉入水下。我非常害怕,后悔在第一场小暴风雨后没有回家。

  • 联航路地铁站到了

    我们都非常努力地工作,但是水还是不断地流进船里。暴风雨不再那么危险了,但船已经严重受损。我们的队长继续开枪求救。我们前面有一艘小船,它给我们送来了一艘船。那艘船上的水手冒着生命危险,设法到达了我们的船。我们都艰难地登上了船。我们无法想象回到他们已经很远的船上。太危险了。所以我们决定试着去海边。 15分钟后,我们的船沉入水中。我们在船上很安全,但我还是很害怕。我们很快就接近陆地了,我们可以在海滩上看到许多人。他们在等我们。当我们最终到达陆地时,人们对我们非常友好。他们帮助我们找到房间,给我们钱去伦敦或者回赫尔。我决定去伦敦。

  • 联航路地铁站到了

    我们回到英国后不久,船长就去世了。我决定用同一艘船,但用另一个船长,去非洲做同样的旅行。 这次旅行开始得很好。但是很快我们遇到了大问题。一艘船开始追我们。那是一艘海盗船。它持续了一整天。下午三点左右,海盗们非常接近。 有一次袭击,但我们设法把他们推开了。在第二次尝试中,他们中的许多人登上了船,开始摧毁一切。我们的一些水手被杀,一些受伤,所以我们不得不放弃。我们都被俘虏了。

  • 联航路地铁站到了

    我乘陆路去伦敦。一路上我都在想该做什么和去哪里。我太惭愧了,没有回家。 在伦敦,我遇到了另一艘船的船长,他经常去非洲海岸旅行。他提议我和他一起去旅行。 在我们离开伦敦之前,他建议我在非洲买什么做贸易。那时我只有40个。这次旅行很成功,因为我带回了一些价值近300英镑的黄金。旅途对我来说也很好,因为船长教会了我一些数学和航海知识。我学到了成为一名水手和商人的必要条件。