Let's hook pinkies! 拉钩钩

Let's hook pinkies! 拉钩钩


   Do you ever hook pinkies with your friend when you make a promise? Peoplein China often do this. We say “Let’s keep this promise for 100 years.” Butwhere does the “pinkie promise” come from?


The magic of fingers

  Why do we use fingers? In Chinese, the word “” sounds thesame as the word “”. It means “thought”. When two people hook fingers, they show theyare very honest. They can keep their promises this way.

  In China, people can even make a promise witha god. They just need to use their fingers to point to the sky.

Do you want a ‘seal’?

  Oh,a pinkie promise is not enough. Let’s “seal” it! When you and your friend hookyour pinkies, you can use your thumb to touch your friend’s thumb. It lookslike a seal. No one can break this kind of promise.


What do the fingers ‘say’?

  Besidesusing fingers to make a promise, you can also use them to do many other things.For example, your fingers can “speak” for you. What are they “saying”? let’stake a look!

 Word bank

1. hook pinkies 勾小指

2. promise  n 承诺,诺言  

    make a promise 许诺,做出承诺

    keep promise 遵守诺言

    break promise 违背诺言

3. thought   n 思想

4. honest adj 诚实的

5. god n

6. point to 指向

7. seal  n/v 盖章

8. thumb n 大拇指 

    pinkie/little finger 小拇指 

    forefinger/index finger 食指

    middle finger 中指

    ring finger 无名指   

9. touch  v

10. besides  prep  除了

11. win  n






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