The secret of the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

The secret of the Leaning Tower of Pisa?


   What is the world’s most famous tower? It might be the Leaning tower of Pisa. The tower is in Italy. People built it in 1173. They wanted it to be a bell tower. The tower has eight stories. It is 55.86 meters tall on the low side and 56.67 meters tall on the high side.

   The tower experienced two wars and four earthquakes. But it still stands. Why doesn’t it fall over?

   The answer is the soil under the tower. The soil is very soft. So during an earthquake,the tower doesn't shake a lot.

But it is also the soil that makes the tower lean. The tower is made of heavy stones. The soil on one side of the tower is softer. So the tower leans towards that side. But this also made the tower famous. It is one of the most popular landmarks in the world.

Word Bank

1. tower n

Eiffel Tower,Paris 巴黎埃菲尔铁塔

Leaning Tower of Pisa,Italy 意大利比萨斜塔

2. story n 故事;层

3. experience

v 经历What did you experience yesterday?

n 经历(可数名词) I have some living experiences.生活经历

n 经验(不可数名词) Do you have working experience?你有工作经验吗?

4. earthquake n 地震

5. fall over 倒塌

6. soil n 土壤

7. shake v 晃动

8. lean v 倾斜

lean on 靠着

lean towards 朝…什么方向倾斜

9. make of 由… 做成的,看得出原料

make from 看不出原材料

10. popular adj 受欢迎的

11. landmark n 地标

12. one of the most adj 最… 之一

