


囫囵吞枣 (hú lún tūn zǎo)

【近义词】不求甚解 生吞活剥 走马观花 一目十行
【反义词】融会贯通 细嚼慢咽 字斟句酌 一丝不苟 含英咀华
【相似词】囫囵 慢吞吞的 慢吞吞地 慢吞吞 海枣 枣子 独吞 吞下
【英译】 swallow dates whole -- read hastily and without thinking; lap up information without digesting it; read without understanding; swallow a date entire; swallow at a gulp without chewing

Learning Chinese
It's not a good way to gulp down knowledge
The chances are you will never attempt that speed with poetry or want to race through some passages in fiction over which you wish to linger
1. 我们要认真理解课堂上学到的知识,切勿囫囵吞枣。
2. 他只是把这首诗囫囵吞枣地背下来了,至于什么意思一点儿也不清楚。
3. 理解肤浅是因为看书时囫囵吞枣,所以我们要认真读书,反复思考。
4. 要养成读书的好习惯,提倡积极思考,反对不求甚解,囫囵吞枣。
5. 我们读书不要囫囵吞枣,要细细品味其中的好词好句。
6. 学习文言文,只是囫囵吞枣地死记硬背不是好办法,只有逐字逐句地品味消化吸收,才能真正学好。
7. 学习不认真,贪多求快,囫囵吞枣,一知半解,这是一种要不得的学习态度。
8. 由于太饿了,饭菜一上来,我便囫囵吞枣吃起来,结果给噎着了。
9. 一想到读书我就如饥似渴,但当我拿起课本了我就是囫囵吞枣的看了一遍。
10. 今天心烦意乱,静不下心看书后半部分,不能细细看下去了,想不到囫囵吞枣竟有收获。

Chinese version

从前有个人看书的时候,总会把书中文章大声念出来,可是他从来不动脑筋想一想书中的道理,还自以为看了很多书,懂得许多道理。有一天,他去买水果,卖梨的老人对他说:“ 吃梨对牙齿很好,但是吃多了伤胃。” 旁边一位卖枣的老人对他说:“枣子能健胃,可惜吃多了会伤牙齿。” 读书人说:“这很简单嘛!吃梨子时只嚼不咽,就不会伤胃;吃枣子时只吞不嚼,就不会伤牙啦!” 说完,他很得意,拿枣就往嘴里塞,结果,他被噎住了。

English version
Once upon a time, there lived a young man who liked to read aloud, but he never thoroughly understood his literature contents, or he only caught part of the importance of what he was reading, or maybe he did not grasp the importance at all. Yet he considered himself knowledgeable. One day he went to buy some fruit. On the market an old man selling pears told him that raw pears were good for one's teeth but bad for one's spleen. Another old man selling dates told him raw dates were good for one's spleen but bad for one's teeth. Hearing those words the self-important man said he knew a way to enjoy the nutritional benefits from both, while avoiding the negative side effects. "I could chew pears, but don't swallow them and swallow dates without chewing them." he said. "By doing this, both of my teeth and my spleen will not be hurt." He did what he said and he was choked by a date.
This joke gave rise to the idiom, which refers to lapping up information without digesting it, or reading without comprehension.
