7月25日英语:China to be caviar capital 中国人爱上'黑金'鱼子酱

7月25日英语:China to be caviar capital 中国人爱上'黑金'鱼子酱


Johnson to be UK's next PM


Boris Johnson has won the UK's leadership election 92,153 votes to 46,656, becoming prime minister and leader of the ruling Conservative Party. In a short but impassioned acceptance speech, Johnson thanked his leadership opponent Jeremy Hunt and Theresa May, the nation's outgoing prime minister. 

He said that the party will "deliver Brexit, reunite the country and defeat the leader of the opposition Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn". Johnson takes over as party leader immediately and will be sworn in as prime minister at about 4 pm on Wednesday. He was an outspoken critic of May and says he will take the UK out of the EU on Oct 31, with or without a deal with the political bloc. 

China to be caviar capital

More than half of the world's commercial caviar farms are now based in China, where both local consumption and exports are booming. The demand for the pricey fish eggs, known as "black gold" or alternately "black pearls", is rising dramatically in China. As a result, the country has become one of the world's major caviar producers and consumers, part of a trend of wealthy Chinese increasingly eating high-end foreign foods, including foie gras, black truffles, and artisanal cheeses. 

By 2020, China is projected to consume 100 tons of caviar every year, the China Sturgeon Association predicted last year. Currently, about 200 tons of caviar are produced worldwide annually. That means Chinese luxury lovers will be snacking on half of the world's fancy fish eggs in short order. 

Kids to learn soccer skills

China plans to select 3,000 kindergartens to become youth soccer nurturing grounds by the end of this year as authorities push ahead with reforms aimed at making the country a global power in the sport, the Ministry of Education said on Tuesday. 

Wang Dengfeng, head of the ministry's Department of Physical, Health and Arts Education, said kindergarten is a key stage in the development of children's sporting interests, habits, understanding and skills, and the kindergartens will conduct play-oriented training to cultivate pupils' interest in the sport. 

The ministry will provide soccer training to 200 kindergarten teachers and 200 principals, he said. The country also plans to build another 30,000 primary and secondary schools with soccer programs in their curricula by 2025 to foster children's interest in the sport and promote high-quality coaching, training and competition, Wang said.

Li Peng passes away at 91

Li Peng, former chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, died of illness in Beijing at the age of 91 at 11:11 pm Monday, an official statement said Tuesday. He had served as premier, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 13th, 14th and 15th central committees of the CPC(Communist Party of China) and a member of the Political Bureau and member of the Secretariat of the 12th CPC Central Committee, according to an obituary notice jointly issued by the CPC Central Committee, the NPC Standing Committee, the State Council and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Li was extolled in the statement as an excellent Party member, a time-tested and loyal communist soldier and an outstanding proletarian revolutionist, statesman and leader of the Party and the state.

  • Coldwater_


    书院先生 回复 @Coldwater_: 我以为自己调了倍速。。。

  • 来去自如_aq


    听友7884816 回复 @来去自如_aq: 英国人不喜欢soccer这个词,在英国人面前说soccer对方可能会不开心haha, 因为这个词是美国人发明的,用来和美式橄榄球(美国人称为football)区分开。而英国人眼里football就是只足球,橄榄球英国人会说是american football.

  • 快乐心_ul


  • 流萤_1f


  • 和清敬寂


  • 用户6733521224


  • 1350977ruqe


  • 1376505xrjc


  • HalloJuliArche

    挺好的素材,现在正在坚持每天听。 不知道有美音版的吗?

  • 剥皮橙子
