7月24日英语:China tops US on Fortune 500 129中企上榜世界500强

7月24日英语:China tops US on Fortune 500 129中企上榜世界500强


Supervision of e-cigarettes

China is planning to establish legislation to supervise electronic cigarettes as part of overall tobacco control efforts as use of the products increases among the youth, the National Health Commission said on Monday. Like conventional cigarettes, e-cigarettes can also be harmful. The flavored vapor they produce contains many toxic substances, and smokers could get addicted to the nicotine, said Mao Qun'an, chief of the commission's planning department. 

About 0.9% of people in China were e-cigarette users last year, up from 0.5% that of in 2015, according to a survey released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in May, which was based on nearly 20,000 people across China. The number of e-cigarette users in China who are 15 years or older is estimated at 10 million, the center said.

China tops US on Fortune 500

China surpasses the US in number of companies on this year's Fortune's Global 500 list published on Monday with 129 companies listed, exceeding the US, which had 121 companies listed, for the first time. 

The overall turnover of the top 500 firms reached $32.7 trillion, 8.9% higher than last year. Up 14.5% year-on-year, the gross profit hit a record high at $2.15 trillion. The US-based company Walmart continued to top the list for six consecutive years, followed by Sinopec Group, Royal Dutch Shell, China National Petroleum and State Grid. 

There are 11 Chinese banks on the list with total profits of over $200 billion, contributing almost half of the profits of all listed companies from China. Six of the top 10 companies with the fastest growth belong to China, including Alibaba Group Holding, Tencent Holdings, Suning Group, and China Evergrande Group.

India launches moon probe

India on Monday successfully launched its Moon Mission-2, or Chandrayaan-2, which was aborted on July 15 due to a technical snag. The rocket GSLV-Mk-III carrying the orbiter, lander Vikram and rover Pragyaan took off at 14:43 (Indian Time) from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in India's southern state of Andhra Pradesh. 

The lander and the rover are expected to touch down near the Lunar South Pole in early September, becoming the first ever spacecraft to land in that region. If successfully carried out, India would become the fourth country, following the US, Russia and China, to achieve this feat. India plans to send its first manned spaceflight by 2022.

FINA warns swimmer Horton

FINA decided on Monday to send a warning to Australia's swimming body and Mack Horton for a controversial move on the part of the Australian swimmer in the men's 400m freestyle awarding ceremony. China's Olympic champion Sun Yang won his fourth straight world title in the men's 400m freestyle at the 18th FINA World Championships in the South Korean city of Gwangju on Sunday. 

During the awarding ceremony, Horton did not step onto the podium after claiming a silver medal in the event. "While FINA respects the principle of freedom of speech, it has to be conducted in the right context," FINA said in a statement. "As in all major sports organizations, our athletes and their entourages are aware of their responsibilities to respect FINA regulations and not to use FINA events to make personal statements or gestures," it noted. 

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  • Jessica_r9g


    sssYYYttttttttt 回复 @Jessica_r9g: 她读的是naught拉,零点几有这种表达的。比如,0.1的读法:naught point one/point one/zero point one

  • 书院先生


    孩子英语老不好 回复 @书院先生: 因为后面还有一起,跟一个英国佬

  • 三月初余


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  • angel_lol
