Lesson 5

Lesson 5


[00:01.05]Lesson 5
[00:02.38]resort n. (to)求助,诉诸 
[00:06.41]n. 求助的对象;胜地
[00:09.66]Merely resorting to force 
[00:11.64]can't resolve the conflicts in the Middle East.
[00:19.62]prompt vt. 促使;提示 
[00:23.51]a. 敏捷的,及时的 n. 提词
[00:27.55]The poor boy confessed 
[00:29.38]that it was hunger that prompted him to steal the bread.
[00:39.22]compete vi. 竞争
[00:42.52]The two TV broadcasting companies (TVB and ATV) in Hong Kong 
[00:49.34]have always been competing with each other 
[00:52.18]for higher audience rating.
[01:07.95]reputation n. 名声
[01:11.29]Some people regard good reputation more important than life.
[01:21.32]disguise vt. 假扮;伪装;掩盖 n. 用来伪装的东西;伪装
[01:25.76]Mulan disguised herself as a man and became a soldier.
[01:34.45]eliminate vt. 排除;淘汰
[01:38.70]You really believe that getting drunk can eliminate pain? 
[01:48.86]solemn a. 严肃的;庄严的
[01:53.28]Every day in the Tian'anmen Square 
[01:56.06]the hoist of our national flag is a solemn ceremony.
[02:05.93]crude a. 粗鲁的;天然的;粗糙的 
[02:10.99]Don't make such crude jokes.
[02:18.19]thoughtful a. 沉思的;体贴的
[02:22.39]You are lucky to have such a thoughtful wife.
[02:30.95]supplement n. 增补(物);增刊 vt. 补充
[02:35.89]The money I got from teaching the piano 
[02:38.43]is a useful supplement to my ordinary income.
[02:48.49]routine n. 例行公事 a. 例行的
[02:53.14]A routine medical examination is advisable at least once a year.
[03:03.52]appeal n. 呼吁,恳求;吸引力;上诉 
[03:08.17]vi. 呼吁,恳求;有吸引力;上诉;(to)诉诸 vt. 将…上诉
[03:10.49]When you are in trouble,
[03:11.81]do you appeal to your friends or parents for help?
[03:21.83]confront vt. 迎面遇到;正视;使对质
[03:27.71]It is said that the reason for Ruan Lingyu's suicide 
[03:32.06]was that she couldn't confront the rumors fabricated by people.
[03:45.41]attach vt. 贴;使依恋;认为有;使附属
[03:51.82]Attached please find our offering prices.
[03:59.13]revenue n. 收入;税收
[04:03.53]State universities in the U.S.
[04:06.00]get most of their revenue from taxes.
[04:14.14]estimate n. 估计;评价 vt. 估计
[04:18.15]We can measure the value of material goods in terms of money,
[04:22.81]but the true value of the services is difficult to estimate.
[04:38.22]intensity n. 强烈;强度
[04:42.48]Noise intensity around the airport is much higher than elsewhere.
[04:56.59]sorrow n. 悲哀,悲痛;伤心事
[04:59.73]You can't conceal your sorrow,
[05:02.42]because your eyes reveal everything.
[05:11.32]steer vt. 驾驶;引导 vi. 驾驶
[05:15.82]The close-door policy couldn't steer a country to prosperity.
[05:26.69]consult vt. 请教;查阅 vi. 商议
[05:31.50]Consult your dictionary when unsure of your spelling.
[05:41.18]extraordinary a. 不平常的,非凡的
[05:46.03]With extraordinary wisdom,
[05:49.08]Deng Xiaoping advanced the theory 
[05:51.05]of constructing the socialism with Chinese characteristics.
[06:04.27]pessimistic a. 悲观的
[06:07.66]The earth won't stop because of your pessimistic thoughts.
[06:10.96]So, cheer up! 
[06:21.32]rival n. 竞争对手;可与匹敌的人(或物) 
[06:27.71]a. 竞争的 vt. 与…竞争;比得上
[06:32.27]No other ball games can rival football for/in excitement.
[06:42.60]consent n. 同意 vi. (to)同意
[06:45.35]What will you do 
[06:48.34]if your parents don't (give you their) consent to
[06:51.22](=if your parents refused their consent to) your marriage?
[07:03.39]vacant a. 未被占用的;空缺的;茫然的
[07:08.55]I am looking for a job.
[07:10.77]Are there any positions vacant in your company? 
[07:20.40]sympathetic a. 同情的;(to)赞同的;和谐的
[07:26.06]I feel sympathetic to what happened to you,
[07:29.40]but I could do nothing to fix your problem.
[07:38.86]sympathy n. 同情,同情心;赞同
[07:44.83]We should have sympathy for people in difficulty.
[07:53.88]renew v. 重新开始;(使)更新;
[08:00.57]The annual dinner is a chance to renew acquaintance 
[08:03.51]with old friends.
[08:11.51]tackle vt. 对付;与…交涉;阻截 
[08:17.58]n. 阻截;用具;辘轳
[08:20.46]The police spent a long time tackling the hacker 
[08:23.60]who ruined the network.
[08:31.99]rude a. 粗鲁的;粗糙的
[08:36.03]Some people look upon American young men as brash,
[08:39.93]immodest, rude, and possessing no proper respect 
[08:43.92]for parents or elder siblings.
[08:57.67]resolve vt. 解决;决定;(into)分解 vi. 决定 n. 决心
[09:04.23]The dispute needs to be resolved by the person 
[09:06.70]who has caused it.
[09:12.27]sophisticated a. 老练的,精通的;复杂的;高雅的
[09:20.21]The inner system of a spaceship is rather sophisticated.
[09:28.92]privilege n. 特权
[09:32.30]One of the obstacles to social harmony is privilege.
[09:41.62]absolute a. 绝对的;不受任何限制的
[09:46.52]There is no absolute standard for beauty.
[09:53.81]restore vt. 恢复;修复;归还
[09:58.89]It's hard to restore a broken mirror.
[10:05.46]speculate vi. (about, on)推测,推断;投机 
[10:09.51]vt. 推测
[10:09.86]This detective story is boring,
[10:12.50]because you can speculate (about) the ending in the beginning.
[10:24.11]absorb vt. 吸收;使全神贯注;同化
[10:30.26]Newton was so absorbed in his work 
[10:33.46]that he boiled his watch 
[10:35.33]when he wanted to boil an egg to eat.
[10:47.70]provoke vt. 对…挑衅;激起
[10:53.17]The students tried to provoke the teacher into losing her temper.
[11:02.54]stretch vi. 伸展,延伸 
[11:07.18]vt. 伸展;使倾注全力 
[11:08.90]n. 一段时间,连绵的一片;伸展
[11:10.68]I stretched to relax after working a full day.
[11:20.20]surplus n. 过剩 a. 过剩的
[11:25.14]Surplus grain is being sold for export.
[11:32.37]benefit n. 益处;救济金 vt. 有益于 vi. 得益
[11:37.99]Equality and mutual benefit 
[11:41.94]is one of China's five principles of peaceful coexistence 
[11:46.19]in foreign policy.
[11:54.96]campaign n. 运动;战役 vi. 参加竞选
[11:59.98]Can you guess who would laugh last 
[12:03.02]in the presidential election campaign? 
[12:12.13]debate n./v. 辩论
[12:14.80]We will debate about (=have a debate on) 
[12:20.67]the advantages and disadvantages 
[12:23.25]of college students' doing part-time jobs next week.
[12:34.84]focus v. (on)(使)聚集 n. 聚焦;中心
[12:39.69]The incidence brought the problem of violence 
[12:43.49]in schools into sharp focus.
[12:51.25]establish vt. 建立;确定
[12:55.11]On January 1, 1979, diplomatic ties 
[12:59.70]between China and the United States were at last established.
[13:11.23]keen a. (on)热心的;敏锐的;激烈的;锋利的
[13:17.85]Many parents are keen to send their children 
[13:20.13]to the best schools.
[13:28.55]access n. 入口;接近;接近的机会 
[13:33.31]vt. 存取
[13:35.07]Students say they need easier access 
[13:37.86]to computers and the Internet.
[13:48.75]insurance n. 保险;保证
[13:52.93]Someone said that a life insurance is a contract 
[13:55.46]that keeps you poor so that you can die rich.
[14:08.64]elementary a. 基本的;初级的
[14:13.14]The questions were so elementary 
[14:16.47]that he easily passed the test.
[14:24.01]globe n. 地球,世界;地球仪;球体 
[14:30.23]The Globe brings you the world in a single copy.
[14:39.38]commercial a. 商业的;商品化的 
[14:43.17]n. 商业广告
[14:45.40]In a commercial society,
[14:48.19]people often feel lonely and helpless.
[14:57.08]industrial a. 工业的
[15:00.29]The Dow Jones Industrial Average 
[15:02.21]has soared from around 50 points to 13,000 points.
[15:17.07]investment n. 投资;投入
[15:21.58]If a man empties his purse into his head,
[15:25.33]no man can take it away from him,
[15:28.57]an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
[15:33.06](Benjamin Franklin, American president) 
[15:50.31]hazard n. 危险 vt. 尝试着做;冒…风险
[15:56.60]luxury n. 奢侈;奢侈品
[16:01.39]Diamond is the favorite luxury to women.
[16:10.08]participate vi. (in)参加
[16:12.57]College students are expected 
[16:14.34]to participate in discussions in the class.
[16:22.63]management n. 管理;管理部门,管理人员
[16:28.45]He began to take over the management of the estate.
[16:36.80]delegate n. 代表 vt. 委派…为代表;授(权)
[16:42.51]The Chinese people delegate their power to the People's Congress.
[16:52.42]maintain vt. 维持;维修;坚持;赡养
[16:58.89]We need to do adequate exercises 
[17:03.79]and eat proper food in order to maintain our health.
[17:11.93]reaction n. 反应,反作用;(against)反动
[17:17.39]What's your reaction to the rumors about you?
[17:25.85]practically ad. 几乎;实际上
[17:29.43]Without a telephone it would be impossible 
[17:32.22]to carry on the functions of practically every business operation 
[17:36.31]in the whole country.
[17:45.58]prejudice n. 偏见 vt. 使有偏见;损害
[17:51.44]A judge must be free from prejudice.
[17:58.68]radical a. 根本的;激进的 n. 激进分子
[18:04.64]He made a radical change in the plan.
[18:11.72]boost vt. 提高;推动;宣扬 n. 提高;推动
[18:17.95]The Import & Export Commodities Fair 
[18:21.89]held every year in Guangzhou is a good chance 
[18:25.89]to boost local products home and abroad.
[18:37.78]temporary a. 暂时的
[18:42.14]During the four years in college, most of the students 
[18:45.10]have the experience of doing temporary work.
[18:54.35]significant a. 相当数量的;
[19:01.64]There is a significant increase of crime in that country.
[19:10.15]reform v./n. 改革,改良;改正 
[19:15.81]Many deputies to the People's Congress 
[19:18.24]have called for a reform of the medical system 
[19:21.63]to stop unnecessary use of expensive medicine.
[19:33.58]triumph n. 胜利;喜悦 vi. 获胜
[19:38.98]Samuel Johnson described marrying for a second time 
[19:42.68]as a triumph of hope over experience.
[19:55.47]strategy n. 战略,策略
[19:59.92]Mao Zedong was a great strategist skilled in military strategy.
[20:12.45]periodical n. 期刊 a. 定期的
[20:17.50]concentration n. 专注;集中;浓缩
[20:22.35]Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.
[20:33.44]absent a. 缺席的;不存在的;心不在焉的
[20:39.11]Long absent, soon forgotten.
[20:44.26]transfer v. 转移;调动,转学;转车
[20:51.10]n. 转移;转车
[20:51.30]The interest rates have been increased,
[20:53.48]so I want to transfer some money 
[20:55.34]from my current account to my savings account.
[21:06.59]tension n. 紧张;绷紧;张力
[21:11.55]It's not wise to create international tensions.
[21:20.75]submit vi. (to)屈服 vt. 提交;主张
[21:24.65]The man refused to submit to an unjust decision.
[21:33.29]select vt. 选择 a. 精选的;优等的
[21:39.11]A mouse is a device which makes it easier 
[21:42.55]to select different options from computer menus.
[21:55.04]abstract a. 抽象的 
[21:57.67]n. 摘要 vt. 做…的摘要;提取
[22:00.45]Your idea is too abstract to understand.
[22:08.64]academic a. 学院的;学术的;纯理论的 
[22:12.79]n. 大学教师
[22:14.67]A business-management major 
[22:17.34]with a remarkable academic record,
[22:19.67]he easily got a well-paid and promising job in a big firm.
[22:36.60]vague a. 含糊的,模糊的
[22:42.36]In a fog everything looks vague.
[22:48.64]confidence n. 信任;信心
[22:53.25]Most Chinese students lack self-confidence 
[22:56.13]when speaking English.

