Lesson 7

Lesson 7


[00:00.86]Lesson 7
[00:03.13]criticize/-ise vt. 批评;评论
[00:07.13]He always ignores his faults and criticizes others.
[00:16.87]extensive a. 广阔的;广泛的
[00:21.92]We are going to Inner Mongolia
[00:24.43]to enjoy the extensive view of grasslands this summer vacation.
[00:37.20]adapt vt. 使适应;修改 vi. (to)适应
[00:40.73]Having lived in Guangzhou for years,
[00:43.51]some people still can't adapt (themselves)
[00:47.13]to the hot and humid weather.
[00:56.60]adopt vt. 收养;采用;批准
[01:02.48]Circumstances will force us finally to adopt this policy.
[01:13.08]obstacle n. 障碍(物)
[01:16.07]Fear of change is an obstacle to progress.
[01:24.40]bankrupt a. 破产的;彻底缺乏的
[01:27.82]vt. 使破产 n. 破产者
[01:30.13]A company will go bankrupt
[01:31.81]because of poor management.
[01:39.37]advantage n. 优点;好处
[01:43.56]Every advantage has its disadvantage.
[01:49.73]affect v. 影响
[01:52.52]The slight change of weather can affect her delicate health.
[02:02.50]reveal vt. 揭露;展现
[02:06.26]Should a doctor reveal to a cancer patient his condition?
[02:15.62]threaten vt. 威胁;是…的征兆 vi. 构成威胁
[02:20.52]When your love for someone is rejected,
[02:22.93]in no case should you threaten him/her with death.
[02:33.45]typical a. 典型的
[02:36.70]The architecture of the Chinese imperial garden Yuanming yuan
[02:41.74]has a typical baroque style--highly ornate and extravagant.
[02:57.30]ultimate a. 极端的;最后的 n. 终极
[03:03.21]The anti-Japanese war ended for us in an ultimate victory.
[03:11.85]dispose vt. 布置;使倾向于
[03:16.33]vi. (of)丢掉;处理
[03:18.96]We have to dispose of this pile of old papers and magazines.
[03:29.34]Breakthrough n. 突破
[03:32.27]There was an exciting new breakthrough
[03:34.92]in the treatment of heart disease.
[03:43.28]dispute n./v. 争论,争吵
[03:45.80]vt. 就…发生争论 vi. 争吵
[03:47.59]In many Western countries,
[03:49.41]there has been much dispute over the question
[03:52.00]of legalized abortion.
[04:01.94]crisis n. 危机;决定性时刻
[04:06.35]The Indian Prime Minister said
[04:08.44]the 1997 Southeast Asian financial crisis
[04:13.13]showed that volatile capital flows
[04:16.35]could threaten even vibrant economies.
[04:33.59]infect vt. 感染;影响
[04:37.36]In India, more than 5.7 million people are infected with AIDS.
[04:49.36]largely ad. 大部分
[04:52.45]The old tea clippers were largely replaced
[04:54.99]by steamships during the 19th century.
[05:07.33]relieve vt. 使轻松;减轻;使得到调剂;接替
[05:15.09]The painkillers can only relieve your pain.
[05:18.18]You need other medicine to cure your disease.
[05:28.87]relief n. 轻松;缓解;使得到调剂;接替
[05:36.15]I felt great relief
[05:37.85]when I heard I had passed the examination.
[05:46.12]stress n. 压力;强调;应力;重音
[05:52.66]vt. 强调,重读
[05:54.39]She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life.
[06:05.99]intensive a. 加强的;精工细作的
[06:10.90]Intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill.
[06:21.57]withdraw vt. 提取,收回;撤销;撤退 vi. 撤退
[06:28.23]It's more convenient to withdraw money
[06:30.44]from an ATM than from the bank.
[06:39.20]victim n. 牺牲品,受害者
[06:44.23]Hitler was also a victim of his own scheme.
[06:52.97]tragedy n. 灾难;悲剧
[06:57.26]Hitler's invasion of Poland led to the tragedy
[07:00.71]of the Second World War.
[07:09.18]relate vi. (to)有关联;适应
[07:13.63]vt. 使互相关联;讲述
[07:15.04]In the court, a witness
[07:16.50]must honestly relate what he has seen.
[07:26.39]severe a. 严重的;严厉的;严峻的;朴素的
[07:32.74]She received severe head injuries in the accident.
[07:41.02]heal vt. 使愈合,使康复;调停 vi. 愈合
[07:46.07]Time heals all sorrows.
[07:52.68]tendency n. 趋向
[07:56.02]There is a growing tendency in society
[07:58.60]to regard money more highly than quality of life.
[08:10.60]statistic n. 统计数值,统计资料;(-s)统计学
[08:17.21]Statistics show that there are more males
[08:20.08]than females in our country.
[08:28.40]survive vi. 幸存 vt. 从…逃出;
[08:35.72]Few survived (after) the plane crash.
[08:46.83]survival n. 幸存;幸存者
[08:52.14]The future survival of the panda
[08:54.68]is an important ecological concern in China.
[09:06.16]principle n. 原则;基本信念
[09:10.63]On the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,
[09:14.96]there can be reasonable dialogues between any two governments.
[09:29.71]virtue n. 美德,德行;优点
[09:34.89]Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.
[09:43.60]thereby ad. 从而
[09:46.67]He redesigned the process,
[09:48.55]thereby saving the company thousands of dollars.
[09:59.21]particularly ad. 特别,尤其
[10:04.93]Everyone has a moment in history
[10:07.22]which belongs particularly to him.
[10:15.37]slight a. 轻微的;纤细的 vt./n. 轻视
[10:21.78]Women easily take offence at the slightest things.
[10:35.91]facility n. (pl.)设备;便利
[10:40.15]A library is one of the most important education facilities in a university.
[10:53.51]lest conj. 唯恐
[10:56.45]We spoke in whispers lest we (should) be heard.
[11:05.24]passion n. 激情;酷爱
[11:09.11]Celine Dion's singing is always filled with passion,
[11:12.89]and her song My Heart Will Go On is a good example.
[11:26.95]maintenance n. 维修;扶养费;维持
[11:32.20]There are thorough maintenance checks
[11:34.43]on each passenger plane before take-off.
[11:42.83]inevitable a. 不可避免的
[11:46.48]If the population continues to expand,
[11:49.78]mass starvation and ecological disaster
[11:53.24]will be the inevitable consequences.
[12:05.21]apply vi. 申请;适用 vt. 实施;涂
[12:12.25]He is from a poor family,
[12:14.71]and has to apply to the bank for a loan
[12:17.85]to finish his college education.
[12:29.12]balance n. 平衡;秤;结存 vt. 使平衡;称;权衡
[12:35.87]Don't be excited; keep your balance.
[12:43.54]negotiate v. 协商;顺利通过
[12:48.54]It is difficult to negotiate
[12:50.33]when neither will trust.
[12:58.18]approve vt. 赞成;批准 vi. (of)赞成,称许
[13:02.73]China will approve more foreign insurers
[13:06.19]to sell policies in China.
[13:15.64]restrict vt. 限制
[13:18.94]By 1900, some cities had begun to restrict the use of automobiles
[13:24.44]in order to ensure pedestrian safety.
[13:36.88]vain a. 徒劳的;自负的
[13:40.55]Many actresses are vain about/of their looks.
[13:51.16]pollution n. 污染,污染物
[13:55.46]Pollution is a serious problem in our daily life;
[13:59.45]it is necessary for everyone to know something about it
[14:03.04]and do something to stop it.
[14:21.34]poisonous a. 有毒的;恶毒的
[14:25.95]In many countries, laws have been passed to prevent factories
[14:30.04]from sending out poisonous gases and polluted water.
[14:41.60]urgent a. 急迫的,紧要的
[14:45.50]Anything that is urgent must be attended to immediately.
[14:54.45]sustain vt. 保持;维持;支撑;经受
[15:01.03]It is said that Pavarotti, the famous Italian tenor,
[15:04.67]had to charter a plane whenever he was on a performing tour,
[15:09.12]because no common seat could sustain his weight.
[15:27.31]resolution n. 决议;决心;解决;分辨率
[15:34.49]The United Nations passed a resolution
[15:37.22]to increase aid to the Third World.
[15:45.70]ban vt. 取缔;(from)禁止 n. 禁止,禁令
[15:50.29]Distribution of pornography is banned.
[15:58.77]circulate v. (使)循环;散布
[16:03.12]Those who circulate false news should be condemned.
[16:11.37]consumption n. 消耗量;消耗
[16:15.45]The low petrol consumption cars are the best selling ones
[16:19.65]in China's automobile market.
[16:28.20]shrink vi. 收缩;退缩 vt. 使收缩
[16:32.95]This detergent won't shrink wool.
[16:39.08]reserve vt. 保留;预订
[16:43.18]n. 储备;保留;替补队员;自然保护区
[16:48.63]All rights reserved.
[16:54.34]necessity n. 必需品;必要(性)
[16:57.31]Those refugees lack money even for basic food and water--
[17:02.04]the necessities of life.
[17:11.33]feedback n. 反馈
[17:14.07]We need more feedback from the consumer
[17:16.53]in order to improve our goods.
[17:27.84]excessive a. 过度的
[17:30.93]Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides
[17:34.54]can poison the vegetables and the soil.
[17:44.63]domestic a. 国内的;家(庭)的;驯养的
[17:49.86]Electricity charges can be at business or domestic rate.
[18:01.65]harmony n. 和谐,一致
[18:05.20]In the beautiful picture,
[18:06.81]there was harmony between the different colours.
[18:17.08]poverty n. 贫穷
[18:19.80]In some rural areas,
[18:21.84]people live in poverty because of the poverty of the soil.
[18:33.34]fundamental a. 基本的 n. (pl.)基本原则
[18:37.45]There are fundamental differences
[18:39.65]between your outlook on life and mine.
[18:47.82]possess vt. 拥有
[18:50.70]It is said that "Viagra" possesses magical powers
[18:54.10]that can cure impotence.
[19:02.02]basis n. 基础
[19:05.02]A good scenario is the basis of a successful movie.
[19:15.28]extent n. 程度,范围;广度
[19:20.53]We are amazed at the extent of his knowledge.
[19:29.01]derive vt. 得到;追溯…的起源 vi. (from)起源
[19:35.53]Many English words derive/are derived from Latin.
[19:45.08]differ vi. 不同;发生分歧
[19:49.33]Many characters in Chinese were adopted by Japanese,
[19:53.76]but Chinese differs greatly from Japanese in pronunciation.
[20:07.06]generous a. 慷慨的;宽宏大量的
[20:13.00]The farmers receive generous subsidies from the government.
[20:22.33]individual a. 个别的;独特的 n. 个人
[20:27.46]Each individual student has his own personality,
[20:31.52]so it is difficult for a teacher to give individual attention
[20:35.61]to students in a large class.
[20:49.34]enrich vt. 充实,使丰富;使富裕
[20:54.89]An education enriches your mind.
[21:02.14]category n. 种类,类
[21:05.74]Books are placed in categories in libraries and bookstores.
[21:17.12]species n. 种,类
[21:20.84]The Origin of Species was one of the most important books
[21:24.40]published during the 19th century.
[21:33.41]perspective n. 视角;远景;透视图
[21:39.63]The Little Prince was written from a child's perspective.
[21:48.86]starve v. (使)挨饿,饿死
[21:53.63]It is silly to starve yourself just to be skinny.
[21:56.89]Remember how the famous American singer Carpenter died?
[22:00.30]She did such a stupid thing!
[22:17.21]neutral a. 中立的;中性的
[22:21.24]Switzerland is a very small country,
[22:23.54]which always remains neutral in wars
[22:26.05]and political affairs.
[22:36.39]definition n. 定义;清晰(度)
[22:40.73]Definitions should not be more difficult to understand
[22:44.87]than the words they define.
[22:52.65]cease v./n. 停止
[22:55.84]The factory ceased production for lack of capital.

