




1.     复习 Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu的发音

cat  bed  pig dog  bus


2.     Schwa是中性元音,五个元音字母在非重读音节都读中性元音

Aa   panda   salad   asleep

Oo   lemon   carrot 

Uu   campus  circus

Ee    student  children


3.     更多例词

afraid   again     American   arrive    balloon    breakfast  sofa

collect  dragon    lesson      seldom  policeman today      welcome

August  autumn   album

happen  hundred  seven


4.     选不同

China    another  cap

tonight   fox       second

uncle     difficult  autumn

weekend  egg      open


5.     小故事

The Cinderella Play                    灰姑娘戏剧


The twins were in a play.                          双胞胎出现在同一部戏剧中。

It was a play of Cinderella.                        是关于灰姑娘的戏剧。

Mum and dad came to see it.                   妈妈和爸爸来看戏。

Gran came too.                                        奶奶也来了。

Fred was the prince.                                 弗雷德是王子。

He had to sing a song.                             他要唱一首歌。

Flick was a goose.                                    弗里克是一只鹅。

She had to hiss at the ugly sisters.            她要对丑姐姐们发出嘘声。


The ugly sisters were bossy.                      丑姐姐指手画脚。

They made Cinderella do the dusting.      她们让灰姑娘扫灰。

Cinderella had an old dress and a duster. 灰姑娘穿件旧裙子,有个扫灰的掸子。

But then she got a nice new dress.          但是后来她得到一件漂亮的新裙子。

She got some silver slippers too.              她还得到了银拖鞋。

Cinderella went to the palace.                  灰姑娘去王宫。

She danced with the prince.                     她和王子共舞。

But then she ran away.                             然后她跑开了。

She dropped a silver slipper.                    她掉了一只银拖鞋。

The prince picked it up.                            王子捡起它。

Cinderella went home.                             灰姑娘回到家。

Her ugly sisters went home too.               她的丑姐姐们也回到家。

Cinderella had her old dress on.               灰姑娘穿上她的旧裙子。

The prince had to knock on the door.              王子要敲门。

He had to try the slipper on Cinderella andher sisters.



But Fred had lost the slipper!                    但是弗雷德把那只拖鞋弄丢了。

“Had my boot!” said Miss Hill.                  “拿我的靴子!” 希尔老师说。

The ugly sisters tried on the boot.            丑姐姐们试穿这只靴子。

It was too loose.                                       靴子太松了。

But they said, “It’s too tight!”                    但她们说:“太紧了!”

Cinderella tried on the boot.                    灰姑娘试穿这只靴子。

It was too loose.                                       靴子太松了。

But she said, “It fits!”                                但她说:“正合适!“

Mum and dad liked the play.                    妈妈和爸爸喜欢这场戏。

“It was better than the cinema.” said Gran.“这比去电影院还好!” 奶奶说。

