6月13日 英语精选:Auction of Beethoven's hair 贝多芬头发被公开拍卖

6月13日 英语精选:Auction of Beethoven's hair 贝多芬头发被公开拍卖


Schonbrunn Palace on WeChat

Schonbrunn Palace, where Princess Sissi once resided, and Schonbrunn Zoo announced its first official WeChat account. The account offers a convenient way for people to obtain relevant tourist information and purchase tickets. 

Group ticket booking is available on the platform for both palace and zoo visitors. More than 4 million tourists visited the 1,441-room baroque palace in 2018. UNESCO catalogued Schonbrunn Palace and its gardens on the World Heritage List in 1996. 

Officially known as Empress Elisabeth of Austria (1837–1898), Sissi has been a big reason for Chinese tourists to visit Schonbrunn Palace. An art exhibition about Sissi is expected to be held in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Shenzhen in late 2019.

Auction of Beethoven's hair

British auction house Sotheby's plans to sell on Tuesday what it says is a "substantial" lock of Ludwig van Beethoven's hair that the German composer himself cut off and gave to a pianist friend in 1826. The lock is expected to fetch up to 15,000 pounds but the director of books and manuscripts at Sotheby's, Simon Maguire, said it could end up selling for more than that. "There's already been quite a lot of interest," he said. 

Recounting the story behind the item, Maguire said Austrian pianist Anton Halm had asked for a lock of hair to give to his wife as a keepsake but Beethoven's servant had instead sent the hair of a goat, infuriating the composer. "And he then gave (Halm), in a piece of paper, a lock of hair that he had just himself cut from the back of his head, a substantial lock. And he said this one at least you can be sure is genuine," Maguire said.

Diners get talking discount


Curry Pizza Company, a pizza place in Fresno, California, is offering customers a "Talk to Each Other Discount", which requires customers to agree to have their smartphones locked up while they are in the restaurant and simply talk to each other during their meal. The discount is only applicable to groups of four people or more, all of whom must be carrying a working smartphone. 

If they qualify for the offer, diners will receive a free large pizza that they can enjoy on their next visit, or, if they're in a giving mood, donate to the homeless in downtown Fresno. "Our goal is to get families/friends to stop using their phones while eating and talk to each other and communicate more," a Curry Pizza Company announcement on Facebook states. 

Japanese eye drops banned

Six types of Japanese eye drops that are popular in China have been blacklisted in Canada after health authorities there analyzed the ingredients. According to Health Canada, the over-the-counter products contain prescription drugs which, if taken without the supervision of a healthcare professional, may cause serious side effects including watery eyes, cataracts, headache, muscle weakness, and a stinging or burning feeling on the skin. 

Experts warned that their long-term use might cause damage to the eyes. China's health authority and the medical products administration have not issued any such warnings. The products on the Canadian list have not received official approval for sale in the Chinese mainland and most users have to travel to Japan to buy them, or ask friends to shop on their behalf.

  • Diligence丨长风丶


  • 声入人心lucky

    打卡 没听懂

  • 数学不好的羊

    我刚刚点错了一个Chinese daily读新闻啥……我以为是今天换人了……翻了下所有集都不起是我们的小姐姐…仔细一看我弄错了……吓死我了

  • 於之丘


  • JaneDoe_

    a lock of hair 一缕头发 lock up 锁上

  • 暴风雨骑士

    Keepsake 纪念品,for the sake of keeping 出于留念的原因

  • 仰望星空脚踏实地_q5


    若水_n22 回复 @仰望星空脚踏实地_q5: 这个太简单了,

  • 眺望远方_1e


  • 1525565ltzf


  • 挽_川
