第206期:合同法381-387条 仓储合同的定义和内容

第206期:合同法381-387条 仓储合同的定义和内容


Article 381 A warehousing contract is a contract whereby the depository stores the goods delivered by the depositor and the depositor pays the warehousing fee.

Article 382 A warehousing contract becomes valid when it is executed.

Article 383 Where dangerous goods such as inflammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and radioactive or perishable articles are to be warehoused, the depositor shall state the nature of the said goods or articles and provide relevant information and materials.

If the depositor violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the depository may refuse to accept the goods for warehousing, or may take appropriate measures to avoid the occurrence of losses, and the expenses thus incurred shall be borne by the depositor.

The depository that warehouses dangerous goods such as inflammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and radioactive materials shall have corresponding warehousing conditions.

Article 384 The depository shall check the goods as contracted before accepting the warehousing. If the depository finds during the check any inconsistency in the goods to be stored with the contract, the depository shall promptly notify the depositor. Where the warehoused goods are found, after being checked and accepted by the depository, not in conformity with the contract in terms of varieties, quantity or quality, the depository shall hold the liability for damages.

Article 385 Upon delivering of the goods by the depositor for storage, the depository shall issue a warehousing certificate.

Article 386 The depository shall sign or stamp the warehousing certificate. A warehousing certificate shall contain the following particulars:

1. designation or name and address of the depositor;

2. variety, quantity, quality, package, number of pieces and marks of the stored goods;

3. standards for damage and spoilage of the stored goods;

4. warehousing site;

5. warehousing period;

6. warehousing fee;

7. the insured amount, duration of insurance and designation of the insurance company if the goods to be stored have been insured; and

8. name of the issuer and the place and date of issuance.

Article 387 The warehousing certificate is the proof for collecting the stored goods. Where the depositor or the holder of the warehousing certificate endorses the certificate which is thus signed or stamped by the depository, the right to collect the stored goods may be transferred.


warehousing contract 仓储合同

perishable articles 易变质物品

avoid the occurrence of losses 避免损失的发生

inconsistency 不一致

issue a warehousing certificate 给付仓单

particulars 事项

spoilage 损耗

insured amount 保险金额

duration of insurance 保险期间

designation of the insurance company 保险人的名称

issuer 填发人

issuance 填发

endorses the certificate 在仓单上背书


第三百八十一条 仓储合同是保管人储存存货人交付的仓储物,存货人支付仓储费的合同。

第三百八十二条 仓储合同自成立时生效。

第三百八十三条 储存易燃、易爆、有毒、有腐蚀性、有放射性等危险物品或者易变质物品,存货人应当说明该物品的性质,提供有关资料。

第三百八十四条 保管人应当按照约定对入库仓储物进行验收。保管人验收时发现入库仓储物与约定不符合的,应当及时通知存货人。保管人验收后,发生仓储物的品种、数量、质量不符合约定的,保管人应当承担损害赔偿责任。

第三百八十五条 存货人交付仓储物的,保管人应当给付仓单。

第三百八十六条 保管人应当在仓单上签字或者盖章。仓单包括下列事项:









第三百八十七条 仓单是提取仓储物的凭证。存货人或者仓单持有人在仓单上背书并经保管人签字或者盖章的,可以转让提取仓储物的权利。




