徐敏Elva 坐标西安 直行者教育联合创始人 前新东方国际教育培训部教学高级经理 前新东方集团优秀教师 赴剑桥大学培训,荣获培训师培训认证 招聘培训新东方国际部教师50人以上 13年雅思托福教学经验,授课学员超过3000人 四次雅思8分,雅思听力、阅读9分,口语7.5分 托福108分,托福听力29分,托福阅读30分 分享雅思托福相关学习材料
occupation position vacancy recruit placement day off night shift designer accountant engineer reporter researcher waitress receptionist baseball coach rescue diver police consultant customer book keeping answering the phone cleaning diving watering plants response email loyal reliable hardworking ? good vision culture awareness communication skills concentration staff discontent flexible salary wage ? pay paid leave pension formal closed ? interview resume layout taped European pass blue card certificate reference
雅思 高频词汇听力
occupation position vacancy recruit placement day off night shift designer accountant engineer reporter researcher waitress receptionist baseball coach rescue diver police consultant customer book keeping answering the phone cleaning diving watering plants response email loyal reliable hardworking ? good vision culture awareness communication skills concentration staff discontent flexible salary wage ? pay paid leave pension formal closed ? interview resume layout taped European pass blue card certificate reference