音频和打印版pdf请关注微信公众号:xitongyingyu (系统英语笔记)领取,还可以免费领取极其好的英语语音资料(American Accent Training, Lisa 美语,主播Rachel 360°无死角的英语语音示范,赖世雄美语从头学全系列教程、动感英语,空中英语教室、小屁孩日记等一些资源哦~~并且可以学习到不一样的系统英语学习方法 谢谢您的支持~~祝天天开心,永远嘴角上扬)
EnglishPod (适合中高级英语学习者,初级学习者 ESL pod 由于版权问题移步公众号领取):
Englishpod是一家公司叫做Praxis Language推出的收费讲座,相比较ESLPod, EnglishPod为常速。Englishpod极具趣味性,两位主持人Marco和Amira的讲解很生动幽默(我太爱男主的声音和笑声了,好可爱),完全有别于新概念类型听力的乏味。同时,Englishpod分了不同的难度级别,基础较差可以先选择B级和C级。
B-Elementary 初级
C-Intermediate 中级
D-Upper Intermediate 中高级
E-Advance 高级
devise a campaign affordability reliability reach out to huge audience unveil each and everyone take my hat off to u have a great workforce hammer home
Have (something) in store (for one):To have something awaiting (one) or prepared (for one);To have something planned for one's future; Each and everyone of you; Devise设计,发明,策划,想出; Devise the market campaign; Push sth to a whole new level of success; State-of-the-art; On the subject of …关于…;
uniquespirit 回复 @uniquespirit: Hammer home the point/idea/plan that…强调…或将…解释清楚; There is no doubt in my mind that…; Affordability; Reliability; Unveil; Reach out to a huge audience扩大受众;
Miss英语笔记 回复 @北京猫咪英语jsj13227: 我吗