89 I think she'd better see a doctor.

89 I think she'd better see a doctor.

   《突破口语:流利美语速成100天》 出版社:  世界图书出版公司;此教程 将发音知识完美地融入会话中,不仅在每句英语下面标注了纯正美语音标,列详细讲解会话中出现的连续、音变和爆破现象,以方便读者真正了解英美人士在快速流利的口语交流时的发音秘决,同时彻底空破听力。
  • Muse625

    How's your sister doing? She hasn't been feeling too well. I'm sorry to hear that. What does she have? She has a slight fever. I think she better see a doctor. She is going to the doctor tomorrow. Please tell her. I hope she's better soon. Thanks for asking about. I'll tell her

  • 山西奥迪A6L车友会

    A: How's your sister doing? 你姐姐好吗? B: She hasn't been feeling too well. 她近来不太好 A: I'm sorry to hear that. What does she have? 听你这么说我很遗憾, 她怎么了? B: She has a slight fever. A: I think she'd better see a doctor. B: She's going to the doctor tomorrow. 她准备明天去

  • 山西奥迪A6L车友会

    A: I'm sorry to hear that. What does she have? 听你这么说我很遗憾, 她怎么了? B: She has a slight fever. A: I think she'd better see a doctor. B: She's going to the doctor tomorrow. 她准备明天去 A: Please tell her i hope she's better soon. 请转告她,我希望她早日痊愈 B: Thanks for asking about her.

  • 听友442326222

    She hasn't beenFeeling too well.I hope she is better soon.

  • 1582759pluu

  • 心宥灵

    Many thanks

  • 心宥灵

    So great