4月8日 英语:美大学发起'紧身裤抗议' Leggings too suggestive?

4月8日 英语:美大学发起'紧身裤抗议' Leggings too suggestive?


Leggings too suggestive?

A Catholic mother urged female students to stop wearing leggings in a letter to the editor last week in "The Observer", a student newspaper serving the University of Notre Dame, Saint Mary's and Holy Cross Colleges. 

Maryann White said young women wearing leggings make it harder for men not to look at their bodies. She said she was ashamed for the women she saw wearing leggings and crop tops at a Catholic Mass she attended. The letter blaming women's clothes for men's sexual behavior inspired students at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana to organize a movement and wear leggings to protest White's views. 

Faculty and students from a diverse array of ages, races and genders expressed their support of wearing leggings and posted on social media. People from other parts of the country shared their support as well.


Girl makes friend with croc


A toddler in Indonesia has a pet crocodile who she does everything with - the unlikely pair even bathe and brush their teeth together. Three-year-old Maharni was given the baby croc as a present from her dad who had spotted the reptile in a market. 


The girl's dad said that he felt bad for the creature, which was then just 80 cm and was covered in cuts, so he bought it home eight months ago. Now the duo is inseparable and will even sleep together, with little Maharni fast asleep with her arms wrapped around the reptile. A footage shows the tot sitting in a bathtun. 鳄鱼b carefully brushing the crocodile's teeth with a brush and toothpaste.


13 professions recognized


Thirteen new professions, including e-sports player and drone navigator, have been identified by the national human resources authority this week. The list was jointly issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, State Administration for Market Regulation and National Bureau of Statistics. 


The 13 new professions are mainly in areas of high technology, including artificial intelligence, internet of things and big data, drone navigation and e-sports, which require more knowledge and superior skills. According to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the emergence of these new professions owes to rapid development of high-tech industries, which actually grow into new engines for the nation's economic development.  


S Korea to roll out 5G


South Korea will become the first country to commercially launch fifth-generation (5G) services on Friday as it rolls out the latest wireless technology with Samsung Electronics' new 5G-enabled smartphone Galaxy S10. With one of the world's top smartphone penetration rates, South Korea is in a race with China, the US and Japan to market 5G, hoping the technology will spur breakthrough in fields such as smart cities and autonomous cars, and drive up its economic growth that slowed to a six-year low in 2018. 

韩国将于5日正式推出5G商用服务,从而成为全球第一个推出5G商用服务的国家。该国的5G网络将支持三星电子新推出的5G智能手机Galaxy S10。作为全球智能手机普及率最高的国家之一,韩国正与中国、美国和日本竞相推出5G网络,希望这项技术能够推动智能城市和自动驾驶汽车等领域的突破,并推动其经济重新恢复增长。2018年,韩国经济增速已减缓至六年来的最低点。

"It is meaningful that South Korean telecom companies are providing services and networks meeting South Korean customers' high standard in speed and picture quality," Ryu Young-sang, executive vice-president at the country's top mobile carrier SK Telecom, said on Wednesday. 

韩国最大移动运营商SK电讯的执行副总裁Ryu Young-sang于3日表示:"韩国各家电信公司提供的服务和网络,在速度和图像质量上都符合韩国客户的高标准,这一点意义重大。"

5G will change the landscape of the gaming industry as it allows games streamed with minimal delay to be played on smartphones, Ryu added. The technology can offer 20-times faster data speeds than 4G networks and better support for artificial intelligence and virtual reality with low latency. Sometimes it can offer 100-times faster speeds.


  • 顽迟天师


    jian0216 回复 @顽迟天师: 不要骗自己 确实慢了

  • 泊客360全景任江华


    逗家大院门口 回复 @泊客360全景任江华: 我怎么觉得语速越来越慢了

  • 君水辰


    杨付雨 回复 @君水辰: 其实听不懂的,看中文,就是读得快的时候脑子也转的比较快啊,看中文能大概明白意思,所以感觉没必要慢,反正都听不懂,哈哈哈哈

    君水辰 回复 @杨付雨: 真是魔鬼呀

    杨付雨 回复 @君水辰:

  • 杨付雨


    13602680348 回复 @杨付雨: 你是魔鬼吗

    杨付雨 回复 @小圆粽: 哦哦,谢谢

    小圆粽 回复 @杨付雨: 想要速度快点可以用倍速播放哦

  • 不赞
