A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
Once upon a time there were two men. They were good friends. One day they were wandering in a forest. Suddenly a bear appeared and jumped out onto the path. One man saw the bear at once. He quickly climbed up the tree and hid himself ably. He didn’t want not to help the other man. The other man was left alone with the bear. He wasso afraid that he couldn’t move. The bear came closer to him. The man lay on the ground. The bear came up to the man and smelt him. Immediately the man held his breath and supposed to be dead. Luckily the bear left. The man in the tree made sure that the bear has gone and he quickly came down to the ground. He was happy to see his friend was safe. He asked his friend, “Just now I saw the bear was so close you. It seemed that it was talking to you!” he asked the other man, “What did it say to you?”
“The bear gave me a piece of advice.” said the man. “Never trust a friend who leaves you alone when you are in danger. A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
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