

第三百二十一条 货物的毁损、灭失发生于多式联运的某一运输区段的,多式联运经营人的赔偿责任和责任限额,适用调整该区段运输方式的有关法律规定。货物毁损、灭失发生的运输区段不能确定的,依照本章规定承担损害赔偿责任。Article 321 If damage or loss of goods occurs in one section of the multi-modal transport, the provisions of related laws regulating the transport modes of the section shall apply to the liability for damages and its limits to be held by the operator of multi-modal transport. If it is impossible to determine in which section of transport such damage or loss has occurred, the liability for damages shall be governed by the provisions of this Chapter.第十八章 技术合同第一节 一般规定第三百二十二条 技术合同是当事人就技术开发、转让、咨询或者服务订立的确立相互之间权利和义务的合同。Chapter XVIII Technology ContractsSection I Common ProvisionsArticle 322 A technology contract is a contract made by the parties to define their rights and obligations for technology development, transfer, consultation or service.第三百二十三条 订立技术合同,应当有利于科学技术的进步,加速科学技术成果的转化、应用和推广。Article 323 The making of a technology contract shall be conducive to the advance of science and technology, and shall accelerate the transformation, application and dissemination of the results achieved in science and technology.第三百二十四条 技术合同的内容由当事人约定,一般包括以下条款:(一)项目名称;(二)标的的内容、范围和要求;(三)履行的计划、进度、期限、地点、地域和方式;(四)技术情报和资料的保密;(五)风险责任的承担;(六)技术成果的归属和收益的分成办法;(七)验收标准和方法;(八)价款、报酬或者使用费及其支付方式;(九)违约金或者损失赔偿的计算方法;(十)解决争议的方法;(十一)名词和术语的解释。与履行合同有关的技术背景资料、可行性论证和技术评价报告、项目任务书和计划书、技术标准、技术规范、原始设计和工艺文件,以及其他技术文档,按照当事人的约定可以作为合同的组成部分。技术合同涉及专利的,应当注明发明创造的名称、专利申请人和专利权人、申请日期、申请号、专利号以及专利权的有效期限。Article 324 The contents of a technology contract shall be stipulated by the parties, and generally, shall contain the following clauses:(1) name of the project;(2) contents, scope and requirements of the targeted matter;(3) plan, schedule, period, place, area and manner of performance;(4) confidentiality of technical information and materials;(5) sharing of risk liabilities;(6) ownership over technological results and proceeds distribution method;(7) criteria and method of the inspection for acceptance;(8) price, remuneration or royalty and methods of payment thereof;(9) calculation method of penalty for breach of contract or compensation for losses;(10) method for dispute settlement; and(11) definition of technical terms and expressions.Materials such as technical background, feasibility studies and technical evaluation reports, project task paper and plans, technical standards, technical norms, original design and technique documents, as well as other technical documents which are relevant to the performance of the contract may, as agreed upon by the parties, constitute component parts of the contract,If a technology contract involves any patent, it shall indicate the designation of the invention or creation, the applicant and the patentee, the date of application, application number, patent number and duration of the patent rights.第三百二十五条 技术合同价款、报酬或者使用费的支付方式由当事人约定,可以采取一次总算、一次总付或者一次总算、分期支付,也可以采取提成支付或者提成支付附加预付入门费的方式。约定提成支付的,可以按照产品价格、实施专利和使用技术秘密后新增的产值、利润或者产品销售额的一定比例提成,也可以按照约定的其他方式计算。提成支付的比例可以采取固定比例
