

第三百零六条 托运人应当按照约定的方式包装货物。对包装方式没有约定或者约定不明确的,适用本法第一百五十六条的规定。托运人违反前款规定的,承运人可以拒绝运输。Article 306 The consignor shall package the goods in the contracted manner. If the packaging manner is not stipulated or not clearly stipulated, the provisions of Article 156 of this Law shall apply.Where the consignor violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the carrier may refuse the transport.第三百零七条 托运人托运易燃、易爆、有毒、有腐蚀性、有放射性等危险物品的,应当按照国家有关危险物品运输的规定对危险物品妥善包装,作出危险物标志和标签,并将有关危险物品的名称、性质和防范措施的书面材料提交承运人。托运人违反前款规定的,承运人可以拒绝运输,也可以采取相应措施以避免损失的发生,因此产生的费用由托运人承担。Article 307 While consigning for transport such dangerous goods as inflammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive or radioactive articles, the consignor shall, in accordance with the regulations of the State on the transport of dangerous goods, properly package the dangerous goods, affix thereto warning signs and labels, and submit to the carrier written documents concerning the name, nature and precautional measures relevant to the dangerous goods.Where the consignor violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the carrier may refuse the transport, or may also take appropriate measures to prevent losses, and expenses thus incurred shall be borne by the consignor.第三百零八条 在承运人将货物交付收货人之前,托运人可以要求承运人中止运输、返还货物、变更到达地或者将货物交给其他收货人,但应当赔偿承运人因此受到的损失。Article 308 Before the carrier delivers the goods to the consignee, the consignor may ask the carrier to stop the transportation, return the goods, change the place of destination, or deliver the goods to another consignee. However, the consignor shall compensate for the losses thus caused to the carrier.第三百零九条 货物运输到达后,承运人知道收货人的,应当及时通知收货人,收货人应当及时提货。收货人逾期提货的,应当向承运人支付保管费等费用。Article 309 When the goods are transported to the place of destination and the carrier knows the consignee, the carrier shall promptly notify the consignee, and the consignee shall promptly take delivery of the goods. If the consignee delays in taking delivery of the goods, the consignee shall pay storage and other fees to the carrier.第三百一十条 收货人提货时应当按照约定的期限检验货物。对检验货物的期限没有约定或者约定不明确,依照本法第六十一条的规定仍不能确定的,应当在合理期限内检验货物。收货人在约定的期限或者合理期限内对货物的数量、毁损等未提出异议的,视为承运人已经按照运输单证的记载交付的初步证据。Article 310 When taking delivery of the goods, the consignee shall inspect the goods within the contracted time limit. If the time limit for inspection of the goods is not stipulated or is not clearly stipulated, nor can it be determined pursuant to the provisions of Article 61 of this Law, the consignee shall inspect the goods within a reasonable period of time. If the consignee does not voice any complaint about the quantity, damage or loss of the goods within the stipulated time limit or within a reasonable period of time, the silence shall be deemed as a preliminary evidence that the carrier has delivered the goods in accordance with the transport documents.
