


There is no life before coffee that stresses the importance of coffee. 

What are the benefits coffee have? 

coffee can help people feel less tired and increase energy levels because it contains a stimulant called caffeine. 

It's crazy common in everywhere and you can find the coffee almost in any convenient stores. 

Some studies show that coffee improves various aspects of brain function including memory, mood, vigilance, energy levels, and general mental function. 

 Espresso (short black) small and totally black coffee without any milk. It's the main component of most of mixed and more complex coffee.  

Some people like to request ice water before drinking the espresso to cleanse the palate that can better enjoy the rich and flavorful taste of espresso. 


long black, the Americano, another common coffee that a lot of people like to order one cup in the morning in order to infuse sufficient energy into work or start a day. It's made by an espresso shot extracted on top of the hot water.


Coffee Latte, in America, people usually short for Latte. but in some European countries, Latte means Milk. 

Basically, it's an espresso-based drink with steam milk (脱脂牛奶and micro-foam added to coffee. Much sweeter than the original espresso. 


 Another popular type of coffee is Cappuccino which is similar to a latte but

 A flat white is a coffee you’ll primarily find in Australia and New Zealand. It is


Mocha is a mix between a cappuccino and a hot chocolate. It is made by putting mixing chocolate powder with an espresso shot and then adding steamed milk and micro-foam into the beverage.


Irish Coffee, this type of coffee is brewed with whiskey, sugar, and a thick layer of cream on the top – and isn’t readily available in New Zealand Café’s due to its alcohol content, they’re more often found in restaurants.  

  • 飞以好呵


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