升级版国外租房指南 还怕找不到地方住?

升级版国外租房指南 还怕找不到地方住?


 Whatever you buy or rent a property, there are lots of complicated processes and paperwork you need to follow and sign in. 


First, you need to conduct a list of contents about what you need and want, what do expect for your future housing, what things are deals breakers and what things can you live without and what's your priority.

Safety is always my number one. 

Set up a price range and figure out which area you prefer to live according to your current circumstance. Not car, you can choose to live nearby the place you work and you study or nearby the grocery store. 


the next step is going to apartment.com which is a widely useful website for looking at a desirable apartment by scooping out and narrowing the price range and location. 

Take a small tour to each one to learn about more information because the pictures the property posted online may combine a little bit of inaccuracy. Touring your future housings to compare one another by making their over-arching pros and cons.  

Target the best option for you by listing the one which has benefited you the most.

To secure your apartment, sometimes a great offering that is given by the management company may catch lots of eyes so filling out the application in a timely manner without being procrastinating can avoid being taken by others. 

Typically, you can find the form online and email a completed version to management or do it in person at the leasing office. Either way, once you’ve decided you want this apartment, get an application in as soon as you can.


Typically, there are an application fee, administration fee which usually are not refundable, somewhere may call processing fee, and a security deposit which can be a large expense, normally refundable but cannot be refunded as a full amount to you.


You need to have money to pay for an apartment. This is where you’ll need two or three recent paycheck, or a W-2 if you’ve had the job for more than a year. 


Background check! The application will include both a line authorizing them to do a background check, and somewhere to explain anything on your record. If you have anything in your past, you’ll want to explain this there, rather than let them find out without context.


Getting approved from your management company may take several days to hear them back because they need to associate your paycheck, bank account information, and background checks, while also verifying your employment and rental history. 


Sign the lease!! Everyone living in the apartment has to be present to sign the lease. The lease covers expectations for the term, rent, pets, maintenance, subleasing and a variety of other aspects of renting. 

