【词汇】18-Warfare 战争

【词汇】18-Warfare 战争


18. Warfare 战争


World War 1    =       第一次世界大战    

• World War 2    =       第二次世界大战

• The First World War

 The Second World War

Talkingabout wars

 ....... and ........ were at war

 USA and Vietnam were at war  (past)

 France and Germany are at war (present)

 Aliens and Humans will have a war (future)

• Battle                 =       战斗

• ....... and ......... had a battle.

 The battle between ........... and........... was very famous.

Talkingabout when the war was

• 1939 to 1944   =       nineteen thirty nine to ninety fourtyfour

 The war was from 1939 to 1944

 18th Century    =       18世纪

 19th Century    =       19世纪

 20th Century    =       20世纪

 21st Century

 World War Two happened in the 20th Century.

Win orlose?

.............. won the war.

 Spain won the war.

 ............. lost the war.

 Germany lost the war.

Part 2Topic

 Describe an important event in history.

You should say:

when it happened

what the event was

and what effect you think thisevent had.

Describean important event in history.

 Iwould like to take this opportunity to talk about World War Two. World War Two happened in the 20th Century from1939 to 1944. This is the only historical event that I remember from school because I wasn't really intohistory in school.

 Historical event

 Into = like

 I am into sports

 I am not into computer games

Describean important event in history.

 IfI remember correctly Germany had a war with many different countries, for example, France, Italy, UK,USA and Japan. In the end, Germany lost the war. 

 If I remember correctly            =       如果没记错的话

 France, Italy, UK, USA and Japan.

 Make a list

Describean important event in history.

 Asfor the effect of World War Two ... it changed the world. I don't know much about the details,because as I said earlier, I am not really into history. But I do know that there are hundreds ofmovies about World War Two, there are thousands of books about World War Two and everybodyin the world probably learns about it in school.

 As I said earlier         /        As I mentionedearlier

 Hundreds of

 Thousands of

• There were millions of people at the GreatWall yesterday.

Describean important event in history.

• Inthe future I hope there won't be more wars. Lot's of people talk about World War Three, but I don't thinkthat will happen because of nuclear weapons. Personally, I am a peaceful person, so I don'treally understand war or why we do it, for me, peace is better.

 In the future

 Nuclear weapon   =    核武器


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