Now everybody has their morning routine, right? But mine are really focused on activating my brain power. Every single one of my habits, my routines in the morning are meant to really jumpstart my brain, so I can jumpstart the day. And so here are some of the things I do every single morning.
I wake up in the morning, the very first thing I do is I remember my dreams. The reason why you wanna remember your dreams is because some of the most incredible inventions and works of art and literature came from the dream state. Mary Shelley created Frankenstein in her dream.
The Periodic Table came in a chemist's dream. So what are you dreaming about late at night that you're forgetting in the morning that could be solving your biggest challenges in your life or in your business or things that you want to be able to learn?
The second thing I do is I make my bed. The reason why I make my bed and why is that good for your brain, is because you want to start your day with excellence 'cause how you do anything is how you do everything, as you know. And so you wanna start with a win because it's the science of momentum. Because your brain likes to build on success and it's also good because when you come back at the end of the day, you come back to your bed already made, which is coming back to success.