



The week before last week was President’s Week when I had off(放假)from school so we took a very nice break skiing滑雪! On the way back, we took a stop at Princeton University普林斯顿大学. It is a world renowned 世界闻名的school where the famous Einstein爱因斯坦 worked before. I haven’t really thought about where I should go for college education, but I can totally picture myself sitting in the Princeton university library. The library is extended underneath the campus ground伸展在校园地平下面, so it’s huge!

When I got back, I started a new book in English class called “Fever 1793” which I have actually read before. Trust me it’s hard keeping the ending of the book to myself without sharing with my class. Last week at school was quiet and normal. I think we all tried to adjust 调整back from our winter hibernation 冬眠“off-school” mode to the busy school day norm.

But the weekend was incredibly busy. I had another music program to go to and I messed up弄坏了 my audition试奏. I was not particularly 特别地worried though because this music program won’t matter much in the overall scheme of things. Saturday we had a pleasant surprise: the rehearsal 排练was canceled because of the snow that came overnight! It hasn’t snowed this much in an entire year so I was really excited when I woke up and saw the snow. It’s melting really quick though. After all, Spring is coming. But that made Sunday really busy. Rehearsals and recitals演出 happened all on the same day. I was really busy the whole day. The end performance turned out quite nice.

So that finishes my report of the last 2 weeks. How was your life? I hope you all enjoy some warmer days, because as for me, I am currently buried under snow again.

See you next time.

