父母也需要屏幕时间监管 Parents need screen time supervision as well

父母也需要屏幕时间监管 Parents need screen time supervision as well


The modern parent seems to be a case of evolution gone wrong.


It's plain to see, after all, that anyone supervising children needs three arms, not two—one to barely hold or corral a squirming kid and, much more important, two to gingerly cradle and scroll or type on a smartphone.


As the debate grows over how much screen time is healthy for children, we don't hear so much discussion about how much parental screen time is healthy for youngsters.


The US magazine The Atlantic addressed the subject recently in an article titled The Dangers of Distracted Parenting, in which writer Erika Christakis opined that "the engagement between parent and child is increasingly low-quality, even ersatz. Parents are constantly present in their children's lives physically, but they are less emotionally attuned."

美国杂志《大西洋月刊》最近在一篇名为《分心育儿的危险》的文章中,谈到了这一主题。作者埃瑞卡.克里斯塔基斯(Erika Christakis)提出:“父母与孩子之间的相处质量越来越低,孩子甚至成为替代品。父母经常出现在孩子们的生活中,但他们的内心并不合拍。”

The culprit is the smartphone, which, according to the article, has led to what "the technology expert Linda Stone more than 20 years ago called 'continuous partial attention'".

导致这一现象的罪魁祸首就是智能手机。据这篇文章称,技术专家琳达.斯通(Linda Stone)在20多年前将这种现象称为“持续的部分关注度”。

In an article on the website of the American Psychological Association, Michael Rich, the founder and director of the Center on Media and Child Health at Boston Children's Hospital, is quoted as saying about parents distracted by smartphones: "We delude ourselves into thinking that we're multitasking, but all kinds of cognitive research shows that this really isn't the case. We can only really concentrate on one thing at a time."

在美国心理学会网站的一篇文章中,波士顿儿童医院媒体与儿童健康中心的创始人兼主任迈克尔.里奇(Michael Rich)引用了被智能手机分心的父母的话说:“我们自欺欺人地认为我们是一心二用,但各种研究都表明情况并非如此,我们一次只能专注于一件事”。

In a country like China, where smartphones are ubiquitous and have even replaced the wallet, imagine the plight of youngsters who are shown time and again, as gauged by level of parental attention, that they're not as important as a mere handheld gadget.


Emotional neglect isn't the only issue, either. Bad things can happen when parents are distracted.


So I was delighted one recent afternoon, while applying for a new passport in Beijing, to be reminded of what the world was like before attention spans were hijacked by mobile devices.


In those refreshing 60 minutes at the US embassy, where smartphones and computers had to be checked in at the door, it seemed not so much that time had stood still, as that people had come to life once again.


Everyone, including families with children, sat quietly and chatted among themselves. The children and parents talked face to face, making eye contact. One phone-free father used both hands to lift his young daughter and set her on his lap, prompting her to giggle.


With no need to clamor for attention, the youngsters, without exception, were happy, smiling and contented.


The respectful volume of conversation was contagious, too, as even the children, appearing to take a cue from their parents, spoke quietly. It reminded me of the hush of a doctor's office of old, before TVs and cell phone conversations everywhere we go turned up the volume, including that of our voices.


That day in Beijing was special, and I'd have missed it entirely had I been using my phone or iPad in the witing area. More important, those children and their parents would have been deprived of meaningful conversations and true quality time if they'd been playing video games or reading emails.


There's a point when phone or computer tablet ceases to be a tool or instrument of necessity and becomes, instead, a mere security blanket or object of addiction.


There's no better way to gauge where you stand in this regard than, for your own sake and that of all those in your immediate circle, to simply power off, even for just an hour, and watch your world come back to life.


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