

Acute abdomen, a common syndrome in cmcrgency
room. involves the tissues and organs in the abdominal, pelvic and retroperitoneal space. The main clinical manifestation is acute abdominal pain, including the diseases of surgery, internal medicine, gynecology. pediatrics and psychiatry. Acute abdomen gives a heavy burthen on the life qualify of individuals, develops rapidly and even brings death to sufferers.急腹症,是急诊室常见的症状,主要涉及腹部,盆腔,腹膜后间隙中的组织和器官。临床上最主要的表现就是腹痛,包括外科疾病,内科疾病,妇产科,儿科及精神科疾病。急腹症给个体生活质量带来了威胁,发展很快甚至导致患者死亡。
The etiology of acute abdomen is complicated,
including abdominal inflammation (e.g. appendicitis,
cholecystitis, angiocholitis . pancreatitis), hollow
viscera rupture (e.g. pcrforation of duodenal ulcer,
enterobrosis), substantial viscera rupture (e.g. rupture of spleen or liver), obstruction of hollow organs (e.g. ileus,choledocholithiasis), abdominal vascular disease (e.g.mesenteric ischemia disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm). The acute abdominal pain can be caused by other system diseases (e.g. acute coronary disease, pleuritis, allergic purpura), which may be ignored in the clinical practice.
Pain is usually the predominant and presenting feature of an acute abdomen. In order to elucidate its causes. the location of abdominal pain, mode of onset and progression, character of pain, predJsposing, alleviating and exacerbating factors. and even previous onset must be determined. Other symptoms associated with abdominal pain and accompanying symptoms including general
condition, symptoms of digestive, cardiovascular and other systems, are helpful to diagnosis. A careful and high pertinency history-taking, physical examination, and laboratory testing are needed to find the causes of acute abdomen.急腹症的病因是很复杂的,包括腹部炎症如阑尾炎,胆囊炎,胆管炎,胰腺炎;空腔脏器破裂如十二指肠溃疡穿孔,肠穿孔;实质性器官破裂如肝脾破裂;空腔脏器的梗阻如肠梗阻,胆总管结石;腹部血管疾病如肠系膜血栓疾病,腹部动脉瘤;急性腹痛也可能由于其他系统疾病引起如急性冠脉综合征,肋膜炎,过敏性紫癜,这些疾病在临床上常常被忽视。疼痛是急腹症最主要和最突出的特点。为了查明他的病因,疼痛的位置,演变,性质,先兆,加重或缓解的因素,甚至前一次发病情况必须弄清楚。其他腹部的伴随症状,包括一般情况,消化道症状,心血管系统和其他系统症状,对诊断也有帮助。需要一个详细完整的病史采集,体格检查和实验室检查来查明急腹症的病因。
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