

P: Good morning, doctor. I am bringing my baby here
for a well child check and immunization shots.你好医生,我得孩子来打预防针
D: Good morning. madam. Please have a seat. How old is your baby?你好,你孩子多大了
P: She is 3 months old三个月
D: Can you show me your daughter's vaccination record card..给我看看你孩子的预防接种记录
Here you go这里
According to her vaccination record. she had received BCG and the first of 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine al birth. OPV at 2 months of age. Today she will get the second dose of the OPV for the second shot and DTP vaccines.她出生时已经打了卡介苗和乙肝第一针,二月份打了脊灰疫苗,今天给他打脊灰第二针和百白破疫苗
What are these vaccines for?这些疫苗是搞什么的
OPV vaccine protects your baby against polio. and
DTP against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.预防小儿麻痹和白喉,百日咳,破伤风的。
Is u safe for my baby to receive two vaccines?同时打两针安全吗?
Sure. Don't wurry. Multiple can be given simultaneously;别担心,很多疫苗能同时打的,
these vaccines do not overload the immune system
and are generally are safe and effective.并且不加重免疫系统的负担,通常是安全有效的。
Why are multiple doses needed for the OPV vaccine?为什么脊灰需要打多针?
As a matter of fact. many vaccines are needed for
two or more doses to build up immunity and provide
effective protection.实际上很多疫苗需要打多针,从而建立免疫系统,提供有效保护。
Is your baby doing well these days'?你孩子最近还好吧?
She has a runny nose.她流鼻涕
Oh. no problem. It is still okay for her to get
Please read the vaccine information sheets to learn
morc about the possible side effects your child may
experience. If there is something that conc that concerns you, please let me know.请仔细阅读疫苗接种事项,了解可能发生的副反应。如果有什么问题尽管问我们。
Has you baby had a severe reacllon to any vaccines
She became irritable once for a couple of days, but it
was nothing serious她变得烦躁几天,但不严重。
Ok. I see, It sounds like a mild reaction. Does your baby have any severe allergies?知道了,有轻微的反应。你孩子有没有严重的过敏史?
P: She has mild eczema. She never had any
anaphylactoid reaction.她有轻微的湿疹,但从来没有过敏过。
D: What medical problems or illnesses has your baby
had in the past?以前有没有什么疾病
P: She has no medical problems or serious illnesses.She was born full-term by vaginal delivery.没有。她是经td足月分娩的
D: Does she have any diarrhea or rashes recently?最近有没有腹泻,皮疹?
P: No.没
D: Your daughter is eligible for vaccination. After gettin vaccines. we recommend you to stay in the office for 15 to 20 minutes just to make sure no allergic reaction or emergencies happen. 你女儿适合打疫苗,打完后请观察15-20分钟,确保没有过敏反应和紧急情况发生。
P: Sure. no problem.好的
D: As mentioned in information pamphlet. some side
effects post vaccination include pain or swelling at the injection site. fussiness, or a mild fever.就像小册子里提到的,副反应包括疼痛,肿胀,易怒烦躁,轻微发烧。
