伊布拉希莫维奇 | Zlatan Ibrahimović 励志演讲 Motivational

伊布拉希莫维奇 | Zlatan Ibrahimović 励志演讲 Motivational



so you think that I'm done that my

carrier will don't be over you don't

know me all my life I had to fight

no one believed in me so I had to

believe in myself

some people wanted to break me

but they only made me from

I just wanted to exploit they only made

me Foreman deny your income done to all

of you I only have one thing to say I'm

not like you because I'm not you I am

rotten Ibrahimovic and I'm just warming



in one way he's this tough very secure

guy but deep inside is still this

insecure kid from the ghetto who so he

has this inside and I think he uses it

this insecurity and this anger that his

childhood gave him you know this anger I

want to show them they think that I'm

yes this is who you know immigrant kids

but I one day I will show them

mama Dali was the love of his father you

know when we had this good time together

they were not certainly not watching

Swedish telly they were working old

videos and Muhammad Ali and George were

many more things I'm young I'm handsome

affair a pretty I can't possibly be B

and I think he means it we love that

attitude you know the Mohammed all the

attitude absolutely opposite to the

traditional Swedish attitude we have to

be humble you know and I'm saying

but mama darling we're just coming here

down the greatest I will be the youngest

heavyweight champion in history loss

important something like okay do you

wanna you're married what do you want

with your son in your good what do you

want in your help

what do you want finance be like how

much money do you want to make a year

what do you want to drive how do you

want to live that's just waking up like

an accident

what do you want and then once you find

out what you want been the rest of your

natural life waking up and going after

it don't ever let somebody tell you you

can't do so you got a dream

you got to protect it we can't do

something themselves and when I tell you

you can do it you want something go get


period this kid's gonna be the best kid

in the world this kid's gonna be

somebody better than anybody ever knew

let me tell you something you already

know the world ain't all sunshine and

rainbows it's a very mean and nasty

place and I don't care how tough you are

it will beat you to your knees and keep

you there permanently if you let it you

me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as

life but it ain't about how hard you hit

it's about how hard you can get hit and

keep moving forward how much you can

take and keep moving forward that's how

weird it is done now if you know what

you're worth then go out and get what

you're worth but you gotta be willing to

take their heads and not pointing

fingers saying you ain't where you want

to be because of him or her or anybody

cowards do that and that ain't you

you're better than that no I didn't grow

up on that side of the town no my mama

don't have no network no I don't know a

whole lot of people no I'm not at a

country club no I don't play golf and I

don't plan on playing those absolutely

but I'm still gonna be successful I'm

still gonna get you where they are why

cuz I owe it to myself okay nobody

stopped me but me you need to get rid of

excuses need to stop pointing fingers at

people and stop pointing fingers at

yourself what did you not do which lived

in a very tough neighborhood you know

later he met guys who said nice to meet

you things like that but in the word

slot them grew up you have to show no

look at me hey you know you have to be

tough and that's what I think his first

lesson to survive you have to be tough

the uses that anger and that's

insecurity which is still inside



lid first with his mother with his five

siblings and in his mother was cleaning

lady and sometimes he hit him with his

wooden spoon and sometimes his mother

hidden so hard that this wooden stem

broke and then he had to go buy another

one or distort but and then the mother

dog because of certain circumstances

lost custody over in England his father

Marris Bobby loves his mother as well

but back in those days

his father was sort of dramatized of the

barking war in drinking heavily and I

think it didn't even see slot on he was

just sitting there tallied you know

seems like love who were the best career

for the people come from kind of tough

backgrounds they have to fight a lot and

also I think in his case he got kicked

out of his house a lot and outside his

building there was pitch and of course

he spent most of the time there so if I

mean anything and if he was promised a

family where he could stay at home and

watch TV maybe he wouldn't be out of the

picture so much in the tougher part

you're taught the hard way and I would

say that fluffiness he's no angel

there's no thing we probably done

what if you think that most people

wouldn't be proud of but then again that

part of what made him so help and it

could go all the way to the time

so the background makes all the

different things how they're doing the

years within each area this 20 surface a

national Emma I want you to go second

both chemistry geography so German and

army since 91 man and implementation

year for both Reginald Japanese Sugar

Hill and alumina go harmony in our

network so communication is close miss


he's our good bikes dealer he was when

he was joining alpha beta subunit with

him you used to run good from the cops

when they stole bikes and you know fast

guys yes any grown-up saw him they

thought I mean why's this guy gonna

steal or something they didn't see in in

any positive way the only place where

they sometimes swords

you may sit around nothing suitable but

is the first way for him to be seen and

popular girl Tokyo Police ago but they

did some good - not really

activity of the party heiio meena guess

what can other words we have done really

of the nature - hello chicken a male

figure other and mothers didn't have any

money you know he didn't have this nice

clothes he went to a school where there

were rich kids and he couldn't buy the

same clothes um he didn't have their own

issues the colleagues and the master to

have this you know football shoes cost

2000 with kangaroos shin I mean he's

bought his shoes for 59 crowns you know

in the food store I mean at the GG

judgement to fear him and he thought

that he didn't and I think of quite hard

for him just feeling that you treated

him as this little gadget kid you know

if you go I think sloughing is so nice

be with the bridge if you pretend to be

Uppercross and you know and try to

through it and look down there

I mean he remember when he get angry he

was not a fantastic talent at very early

age he he grew from from 15 16 - 2 - 18

19 very very fast and there were

actually a few talents that were

considered to be better than him in the

early days but but 1819 he really turned

out to be to be a super talent and

nothing could stop him and his mindset

was was there from from very early on

I'm saying the realities interview

generation LS Orion be eligible

one says the possibility with Jenny

emotional destroy Mindy the

concentration being the connection just

a future for the children there is

rebellion when he came out in the

professional world from Sweden where he

would only known as blossom by first

name he changed so he would have him a

mortgage on his shirt on a dirty because

we wanted to honor his background being

from a Muslim background being from very

very low-key very low status background

he really wants to show all the kids

that wasn't gold and MoMA in general

that if I could do it you can do

technical there you go

yeah but I will second cupcake

I think in Barcelona he is felt again

the immigrant kids who come to Mount

Meru this mid well behaved than the

class kid I didn't understand him and I

think it was saying story old over and

good no can change very fast my program

not one about one man and that's

developable he was my program Guardiola

didn't understand him

and he couldn't really cope with that

kind of character he was 17

it's not so good you know and I wanted

to senior to give him a trial is a first

team member he turns down

he said to me I don't make trial you

take me or you don't take me

because you know people this is at the

moment realistic cinema gourmet in the

bordello statement and economical

vikraman communicative




every day special today on Maori Vic's

to Paris is ready first one so click

accept and no useless birthday kappa

nolan and in los monos Kayla hat so the

first bishop salvation is not luck

rockefeller I would create by Alex ta

associative meditation with me because

how could the bra mogera blood-soaked

which Colette also aqueous as well as

importantly dragon is you here yes yeah

what honey draw and I'll draw in fact

each robot control oh yeah I play a

crown on track control after getting old

draft and you guys


Slauson means hope for them because of

course they grow up and if things no

there's no way for us to get into

Swedish society and that they see that's

not and did I can see he really means

how it's possible it's possible



  • 1553137yruj

    god 这声音太沉醉了!

  • fairy_s


  • 呆呆蛙蛙

    I very like it

  • 流云舞空
