

After the examination is done...检查后
D: After all the exam and test results, I'm afraid that
you're going to have the pretcrm labor.经过检查后,恐怕你要早产了。
If you srart having uterine blccding and regular
contractions that cause your cervix to begin to open
before you reach 37 weeks of pregnancy. you're in
prctcrm labor. It's also known as premature labor. You may end up having a spontaneous pretcrm birth if you go into labor prematurely, if your water breaks early, known as preterm premature rupture of membranes. or PPROM. or if your cervix opens prematurely with no contractions. Pretenn birth can cause serious health problems or even be fatal for the baby, particularly if it happens very early. In general, the more mature a baby is at birth, the better his/her chances of surviving and being healthy.如果你在孕周小于37周前就出现子宫出血,宫缩,宫口扩开的情况,我们称为早产。如果你早产了,也就是羊水过早破裂,或者分娩前胎膜破裂,或者宫口提前打开而没有宫缩。早产能导致很多健康问题甚至对于孩子来说是致命的,特别是发生在很早的情况下。通常来说,婴儿出生时越成熟,他活下来的机会或健康的几率也留下越高。
I'II admit you to the delivery room right away in
order to start your treatment in time. I think you will
deliver the baby soon since your cervix has been dilated and opened for 3 centimeters. Though the baby is only 34 gestational weeks, he/she can still be in a good health. We are going to give him/her a thorough exam.为了及时治疗,我将马上安排你到临产室。我想你很快就要生小孩了,因为你的宫口已经开了3cm。尽管孩子才34周,他仍然可以健康。我们将为他做一个全面的检查。
I expect that you wil be able to deliver the baby
smoothly. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. We are here to have everything we can to help you and your baby.我希望你能顺产,如果你还有其他问题尽管问我们。我们将尽我们所能来帮助你和孩子。

