

Case II
Hello, I am Dr. Wang, I am responsible for taking care
of you today. How can I help you?
Hi. Dr. Wang. My name is Lian Yue. I am pregnant
for 3 1 weeks. A motorcyclist hit me 45 minutes ago.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Can I start by asking you
some questions?
Do you have any abdominal pain? Do you have any
vaginal bleeding?
I felt a little bit of tightness of my belly, without
bleeding at the first few minutes. But after a while. Iwould say maybe 5 minutes later. I stan to have some
vaginal blceding, but amount is very small.
D: How would you describe the pain? Was it a dull or
sharp? Was it intermittent or constant? Can you point
to me where the pain is at?
P: Yes, it's right here. At first. the pain was slight. and
Iater on. it became stronger and stronger. it was not
constant but the interval became shorter and shorter. It
is happening almost 3-4 minutes now.
D: I see. Is this your first pregnancy?
P: Yes. this is the first time for me to be pregnant.
D: Have you ever had an abortion before. Do you have
regular prenatal care?
P: Sure. I have aII the prenaral care done at this hospital.
I always follow my physician's instructions all the
time. Everything is fine until [ had this accident.
D: Can you describe what happened during the accident
in more details?
Ok. sure. About 45 minutes ago. when I was walking
across the intersection. a motorcyclist was speeding
and hit the right side of my body. I was knocked over.
with my belly touching the gromnd first.
Did you feei dizzy or have a headache after the
incident (at that time)?
No, I thought I was fine in the first few minutes. But I
fell a little bit tightness of my abdomen after l0 minutes.
I could feel my baby moved more ofien than usual. So 1
called 120 to send me here to find out if there is something
wrong with my baby and me. I am still nervous.
Don't worry. What you need to do right now is to
relax.it is helDful to you and your baby.Thank you. doctor.
How about the fetal movement? Is it more frequent?
Yeah. absolutely. It kicked me harder and moved more
Would you mind if I take a fell and do a physical
exam right now, so I can get more information?
Please lie down on your back. (Docior purs the right
hand on the surface of the abdomen.)Your abdomen
is a little bit tight and I can feel the movement of the
fetus. Now I think you may need a non-stress test,
which means we need to do some tests to know the
status of the baby inside the uterus. We can tell that
if you are going to have preterm labor or not. These
tests will take at least 20 minutes. In addition, I think
it is necessary to take the ultrasound too to rule out
placental abruption.
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