


今天和你们分享一部电影叫印度合伙人,中文名比较含蓄哈,英文名其实就是Pad Man,护垫侠。


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It is based on the real life of a social entrepreneur and activist from a rural village in India. He has introduced low-cost period pads to women living in rural areas in India.

When his wife was banished from the household during her periods, Laxmi got worried on seeing her using a dirty rag as period pad. 

He looked for female volunteers to test his inventions, but most of them were too shy to discuss about their menstrual issues. 

However after 18 months that he started his research for his wife, she left him. And after some time, his mother also left him. The whole village ostracised him. 

His mini-machines have been installed in 23 of the 29 states of India. He is currently planning to expand the production of these machines to 106 nations, including Kenya, Nigeria, and Philippines.

What is my mission? I'm going to make India [into] a 100-percent-sanitary-napkin-using country in my lifetime. 

If everyone runs after money, their life will not [have] any beauty. It is boredom. A lot of people making a lot of money, billion, billions of dollars accumulating. Why are they coming for, finally, for philanthropy? What if one decided to start philanthropy from the day one? That's why I am giving this machine only in rural India, for rural women. 

Money is not the goal, it is the consequence of success. 


  • 1516660vdzm


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @1516660vdzm: 在【威信号Zoey八点英语】回复噢~ 抱歉有敏感词只能这么写

  • renee_n6


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @renee_n6:

  • renee_n6

    今日小笔记:social entrepreneur and activist 社会企业家和积极分子。// period不只是时期的意思,在口语中还可以表示大姨妈来了。//She period is coming today.她今天“大姨妈”来了。//She is having my period./She's on my period.她“大姨妈”来了。//She period is over.她“大姨妈”走了。//menstrual月经的,每月的。//sanitary —adj.清洁的,卫生的—n.公共厕所。

    renee_n6 回复 @renee_n6: She is having her period.//She's on her period.

  • 00后的蓑


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @00后的蓑:

  • Stevenismy


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @Stevenismy: ❤️

  • Fools_hk


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @Fools_hk: 嗯呢!总结得精辟哈哈

  • undoooooo

    Money is not the goal, it is the consequence of success.

    Zoey朱珠 回复 @undoooooo:

  • 正在输入___________


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @正在输入___________: 谢谢~

  • Aliuki


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @Aliuki:

  • Wenhee
