80、谷歌CEO Sundar Pichai励志故事 Follow Your Passion

80、谷歌CEO Sundar Pichai励志故事 Follow Your Passion


Sundar Pichai, the Chief Executive Officer of Google, was born and bought up in a middle class family in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. He spent most of his childhood living in a modest two bedroom apartment with his parents and grew up living a restricted life. However, he has always been extremely appreciative of his parents’ devotion and sacrifices to always provide him with the best education and support.

After completing his education from IIT Kharagpur and Stanford University, Pichai took the biggest leap of his life by joining Google in 2004. He shot to fame by becoming the youngest CEO of Google in 2015.  Today, we take a look at five pointers that can be learned from the life of Sundar Pichai.

1. Be bold enough to do something:
While he may have hailed from a middle class background, Pichai pursued bigger dreams. Till date, he encourages all entrepreneurs to follow their passion, dream big and constantly reinvent themselves. In order to reach the top of the pyramid, you have to work really hard and have to be persistent in all your approaches.

2. Take risks and be different:
Being ambitious helps in keeping your motivation levels high, but being different helps deliver out of the box solutions. Pichai led the company through one of their major changes, moving from just software related solutions to hardware and retail. Under his guidance, Google expanded in 2015 to restructure its sprawling business and created the parent company, Alphabet. Alphabet became the home for its more experimental projects such as space exploration and anti mortality.

3. Do not give up:
Failure has been conditioned to sound like a bad thing. But not for Pichai. He has always championed a positive attitude to failure. “Wear your failure as a badge of honor and start again,” is one of his famous quotes. In 2013, the company came under immense scrutiny for invading the privacy of the users. This year, the company also faced allegations of increasing gender gap and discrimination. However, Pichai persevered in trying to rectify the past mistake, create a more stable work environment and build a better future for everyone.

4. Work Smart Not Hard:
Breaking all the stereotypes, Sundar Pichai is known for keeping a work life balance and not being a workaholic. He believes in working smart to boost efficiency and productivity levels. Chrome, the now ubiquitous web browser, was initially started as an experiment by his team of 10 engineers. When Microsoft made ‘Bing’ its default browser, it was assumed that Chrome would not work out in the market. However, with a few innovative approaches, Chrome secured its position in the search market.

