Follow your heart

Follow your heart


Follow your heart… your brain is stupid.


Pay close attention to your feelings. No matter how good something looks, if it doesn’t feel right… walk away. If it doesn’t feel right, chances are it is not right.


You see your heart is much wiser than your brain. Most people, when faced with a difficult decision, they go to their brain. Most people believe their intelligence comes from their brain. But that is not the case.


You see, your heart is the most powerful intelligence in your body. Your heart is the intelligence that came before your brain. Most people didn't know that. Yes, your heart started beating before your brain existed. So the intelligence, that created your body and your brain is your heart.

其实你的心脏才是身体中最强大的智慧源泉。内心的智慧比脑力更早形成,只是大多数人没有意识到。是的,其实在大脑形成之前,心脏就已经开始跳动了。所以, 造就你身体和大脑的智慧源泉来自于心灵。

We form an emotional brain long before we form a rational one, and a beating heart before either. Research shows the heart has 60 times the energy coming out of it as the brain does. Now you can understand how your heart dramatically impacts how your BRAIN works, not the other way around.


You can’t trust your brain 100% of the time. Your brain wants to keep you safe from all possible forms of pain, your heart wants to take you where you need to go.


Living inside your head is not only dangerous, it is reckless. As Tony Robbins says, “When you're in your head, you’re dead”. You're dead to the wonder of this world. You're dead to the beauty of this world. You're dead to the clarity of decision making, and true peace that comes from following your heart.

时刻生活在你的大脑里不仅非常危险,而且还很容易粗心大意。就像Tony Robbins说的:当你凡事都用大脑去分析时,你就死定了。因为你对这个世界的各种新奇、各种美丽已经绝缘了。你也不能做出非常清晰明了的决定,也无法获得内心真正的宁静。

To get in touch with your feelings, your heart, is the way to unlock all of your true potential, peace and clarity. Your heart knows the way. Follow your gut. Follow your intuition. If you feel like it’s right, follow that feeling.


Get out of your head, and into your heart.





  • 云边小田


  • 云边小田


  • 云边小田
