


Queen Elizabeth II calls for(呼吁) unity(团结统一) ahead of Brexit(英国脱欧)in 2018 Christmas message

London(CNN) — The UK monarch(帝王,君主) has remained carefully and deliberately(谨慎地) neutral(中立) on all political matters in her 66 years on the throne(王位).

But in her Christmas message this year, three months before Britain is due to leave the European Union(欧盟)amid deep political divisions(政治分歧), Queen Elizabeth II appeals for(恳求) people to show more respect to those with opposing(反对的) views.

"Even with the most deeply held differences, treating the other person with respect and as a fellow human being is always a good first step towards greater understanding," the Queen will say.

In excerpts of (节选自)her televised address(电视演讲) released byBuckingham Palace(白金汉宫) on Monday, the 92-year-old also argues that the Christian message of "peace on earth and goodwill to all" is timeless, and "needed as much as ever."

While the Queen never wavers(摇摆不定) from her politically neutralstance(立场) -- she does not mention Brexit directly -- her message ends a year in which the divisions over the issue have widened.

It also comes at a time when national populists(民粹主义)surge(轩然大波) across Europe and as US President Donald Trump continues to sow(散播) division for political gain.

The monarch also will talk about how "faith, family and friendship" have been a "source of personal comfort and reassurance(安心)"through the "many changes" she has seen over the years.

In last year's address, Queen Elizabeth II paid tribute(悼念) to thevictims(遇难者)of the Manchester terror attack(曼彻斯特恐怖袭击)and the Grenfell Tower fire(格伦费尔塔火灾) in London.



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