



My wife and family received me with great surprise and joy, because theyconcluded me certainly dead; but I must freely confess the sight of them filledme only with hatred, disgust and contempt, and the more by reflecting on thenear alliance I had to them. For although, since my unfortunate exile from theHouyhnhnm country, I had compelled myself to tolerate the sight of Yahoos, andto converse with DonPedro de Mendez; yet my memory and imaginations wereperpetually filled with the virtues and ideas of those exalted Houyhnhnms. Andwhen I began to consider, that by copulating with one of the Yahoo species Ihad become a parent of more, it struck me with the utmost shame, confusion, andhorror.

As soon as I entered the house, my wife took me in her arms, and kissed me,at which, having not been used to the touch of that odious animal for so manyyears, I fell in a swoon for almost an hou. At the time I am writing it is fiveyears since my last return to England: during the first year I smell of themroom. To this hour they dare not presume to touch my bread, or drink out of thesame cup; nerther was I ever able to let one of them take me by the hand. Thefirst money I laid out was to buy two young stone-horses, which I keep in agood stable, and next to them the groom is my greatest favourite; for I feel myspirits revived by the smell he contracts in the stable. My horses understandme tolerably well; I converse with them at least four hours every day. They arestrangers to bridle or saddle; they live in great amity with me, and friendshipto each other.



  • 素年清恋

    Day26. 感谢老师深刻的细致剖析,统筹罗列不同的角度展现给读者更好的理解,这部作品从最初单纯的童话色彩和荒诞不解的离奇戏拟,到反复学习了老师的解读后,充分深刻的理解了作者的讽刺表达与对国家政治与人性理性发展的强烈呼吁与愿望,以及在三百年后的今天,依然带给我们不断的警醒和启示,理性要求自己,做清晰自我发展的理性公民。

  • 果果joan


  • 老铁山月亮湾


  • 1820278yuaz


  • 囡妈


  • 62qhffzyp159pinxrzx5


  • 62qhffzyp159pinxrzx5



    1379621kpjp 回复 @USTC_XB: 《格列佛游记》,杨昊成译,译林出版社1995年版。

  • 宝宝626
