Top-Level Design

Top-Level Design

2010年10月18日,中国共产党十七届五中全会通过的《关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》提出”更加重视改革顶层设计和总体规划”。由此,"顶层设计”被引入中国的改革领域,并在此后一些中央文件和会议 中进一步得到强调。"顶层设计”是中国重要的改革逻辑 由中央政府从全局的角度,系统地对改革任务进行统筹规划,调配资源,高效实现目标。

Top-Level Design
The Proposal on Developing the 12th Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, adopted by the 17th CPC Central Committee at its fifth plenary session on October 18, 2010, introduced the idea of greater focus on designing at the top level and overall planning.The concept has subsequently been embedded in China's reform program and featured in other official documents and meetings of the central leadership.
"Top-level design" represents a key element of China's reform efforts. This means it is the central leadership that is responsible for devising a systematic overall plan for the nation's reforms from a strategic perspective, with an aim to better allocating all the resources required and ensuring efifient realization of its goals.

